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Affordable Afterschool has been top priority for PCEF for more than a decade. PCEF invests an average of $350,000 each year to support scholarships and key academic initiatives to keep Afterschool affordable for all. For many Park City families, the cost of living and work demands make Afterschool care a necessity rather than a luxury. This rings true for two parents who both work full-time and co-parent their nine-year-old twin boys, Emerson and Beauden. For them, the Falcons Afterschool Program at Parley’s Park Elementary has been a game changer.

Afterschool registration for the 2025/26 school year opens April 21st at 8am for current families and Preschool 3- and 4-year-olds. April 22nd 8am for new families.

(PCEF) ayuda a los padres que trabajan (¡y a sus hijos gemelos!) Para muchas familias de Park City, el costo de la vida y las exigencias del trabajo hacen que la atención extraescolar sea más una necesidad que un lujo. Esto es cierto para dos padres que trabajan a tiempo completo y son padres de sus gemelos de nueve años, Emerson y Beauden. Para ellos, el programa Extraescolar Falcons de la escuela primaria Parley's Park ha supuesto un cambio radical.

La inscripción para el año escolar 2025/26 del programa Extraescolar comienza el 21 de abril a las 8 a. m. para las familias actuales y los niños de 3 y 4 años de preescolar. El 22 de abril a las 8 a. m. para las nuevas familias.

Affordable Afterschool has been top priority for PCEF for more than a decade. PCEF invests an average of $350,000 each year to support scholarships and key academic initiatives to keep Afterschool affordable for all. PCSD’s Afterschool programs are available at each of the four elementary schools, Ecker Hill Middle School, and Treasure Mountain Junior High. Registration opens April 21, 2025. All of your questions about Afterschool are answered in in this article.

El programa extraescolar asequible ha sido la principal prioridad del PCEF durante más de una década. PCEF invierte un promedio de $350,000 cada año para apoyar becas e iniciativas académicas clave para mantener el programa extraescolar asequible para todos. Los programas extracurriculares de PCSD están disponibles en cada una de las cuatro escuelas primarias, la escuela secundaria Ecker Hill y la secundaria Treasure Mountain. La inscripción comienza el 21 de abril de 2025. Todas sus preguntas sobre Afterschool se responden en este artículo.

PCEF, along with the PCCF and PCSD, have announced the new 'We All Belong Kindness Awards' to promote kindness and community recognition. The Community Foundation is providing the funding through a gift to PCEF.

“It’s crucial for us to foster an environment where every student not only feels included but valued," said Ingrid Whitley, Park City Education Foundation President and CEO.

The part-time Development Coordinator will play an integral role in supporting all Advancement activities, including managing the database, donor management and correspondence, and working on events. This position will report to the Vice President of Advancement and will contribute to a high-functioning nonprofit organization.

Park City School District continues to prioritize opportunities for its youngest learners with a second Preschool expansion planned for completion at Parley’s Park and Trailside Elementary Schools by the start of the 2025/26 school year. This follows the success of Phase I, which added two classrooms each at Jeremy Ranch and McPolin Elementary Schools, opening to Preschoolers in August 2024.

El Distrito Escolar de Park City sigue dando prioridad a las oportunidades para sus estudiantes más
jóvenes con una segunda ampliación del preescolar cuya finalización está prevista en las escuelas
primarias Parley's Park y Trailside para el inicio del año escolar 2025/26. Esto sigue al éxito de la Fase I,
que agregó dos salones de clases cada una en las escuelas primarias Jeremy Ranch y McPolin, las
cuales abrirán sus puertas a los preescolares en agosto del 2024.

PCEF donors contribute more that $125,000 to Preschool annually to offer Park City families high-quality, and affordable programming.

Do you have questions about the 2025/26 Preschool Registration Process? We've compiled a Q&A list with Frequently Asked Questions about the application process, enrollment options, costs, the curriculum, and more! Registration is open now through February 7, 2025.

Los donantes de PCEF aportan más de $125,000 al preescolar anualmente para ofrecer a las familias de Park City programación asequible y de alta calidad.

¿Tiene preguntas sobre el proceso de inscripción a preescolar 2025/26? ¡Hemos compilado una lista de preguntas frecuentes sobre el proceso de solicitud, las opciones de inscripción, los costos, el plan de estudios y más! La inscripción está abierta desde ahora hasta el 7 de febrero de 2025.

The Loya family says PCEF has had a big impact on them: Jessica is a Bright Futures student (PCHS 2024) who started in Preschool at McPolin Elementary School - where her little sister Ivanka goes to school now!

Next year, more kids will get that chance, as seats for students increase from 164 to more than 288, boosting access and opportunities for local families.

La familia Loya dice que la Fundación Educativa de Park City (PCEF) ha tenido un gran impacto en ellos: Jessica es una estudiante del programa Futuros Brillantes (Escuela Secundaria Park City (PCHS) 2024) que empezó en Preescolar en la escuela primaria McPolin Elementary - ¡donde su hermanita Ivanka va a la escuela ahora!

El año que viene, más niños tendrán esa oportunidad, ya que las plazas para estudiantes aumentarán de 156 a más de 288, impulsando el acceso y las oportunidades para las familias locales.

The Career Technical Education's Culinary Program at PCHS is serving up more than just food. It gives students hands-on experience and real-world skills in Culinary Arts. The brand-new commercial kitchen in the high school’s CTE building marks the start of an exciting new chapter for the program. Led by Educator and Chef Kari Patterson, the program includes a variety of courses such as Baking & Pastry and Food & Nutrition. Within the CTE Culinary Arts Pathway, students can also build foundational skills in Culinary 1 and the two-year ProStart program.

Dirigido por la Educadora y Chef Kari Patterson, el programa incluye una variedad de cursos como Repostería y Alimentos y Nutrición. Dentrodel itinerario académico de las Artes Culinarias del programa de CTE, los estudiantes también pueden desarrollar habilidades básicas en Artes Culinarias 1 y en el programa de dos años ProStart.

We’re celebrating the impact of PCEF-supported Real World Learning programs by sharing the voices of students themselves. We asked PCHS student participants two questions: why these programs are important to them and why such classes are essential for high schools to offer.

Estamos celebrando el impacto de los programas de Aprendizaje en el Mundo Real apoyados por la Fundación Educativa de Park City (PCEF) compartiendo las voces de los propios estudiantes. Hicimos dos preguntas a los participantes: por qué estos programas son importantes para ellos y por qué es esencial que las escuelas secundarias ofrezcan este tipo de clases.

"Future-focused CTE programs thrive when state-of-the-art facilities and industry aligned equipment empower students to engage in hands-on learning, bridging the gap between classroom concepts and real-world application."
-Lyndsay Huntsman, Park City School District’s CTE & PCCAPS Director

From preschool to post-secondary education, Park City School District students have access to an exceptional number of real-world learning opportunities through STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) and CTE (Career and Technical Education) courses. Many of these programs are supported – or completely funded – by PCEF donors. See the district's real world learning opportunities for 2024/25 from middle through high school, plus what's being added in 2025/26.

"Los programas de Educación Técnica y Profesional (CTE, por sus siglas en inglés) orientados al futuro prosperan cuando las instalaciones de vanguardia y los equipos adaptados a la industria permiten a los estudiantes participar en el aprendizaje práctico, tendiendo un puente entre los conceptos del salón de clases y la aplicación en el mundo real." -Lyndsay Huntsman, Directora del programa de Educación Técnica y Profesional (CTE) del Distrito Escolar de Park City y del Centro de Estudios Profesionales Avanzados de Park City (PCCAPS, por sus siglas en inglés)

Desde la educación preescolar hasta la postsecundaria, los estudiantes del Distrito Escolar de Park City tienen acceso a un número excepcional de oportunidades de aprendizaje en el mundo real a través de los cursos de los programas de STEAM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería, Arte y Matemáticas) y CTE (Educación Técnica y Profesional). Muchos de estos programas son apoyados - o completamente financiados - por Donantes de la Fundación Educativa de Park City (PCEF).

The Cell Phone Pilot Program has had a big impact on classrooms and students at TMJH. “I originally was very annoyed by the Yondr pouches and slowly they have started to grow on me because I feel like they have allowed for more conversations and connections,” one TMJH student shared. “Before Yondr pouches a lot of people, including me, sat on their phones during lunch and at the end of classes rather than talking to other people. The pouches have forced me to have so many more conversations with great people I never would have talked to if I had been able to fill the silence with my phone. I feel like it isn't perfect, but having to be more social even in situations where I feel shy and wish I could fill the silence with my phone has helped me so much and I feel has helped my social skills and confidence.”

Desde que la escuela secundaria Treasure Mountain (Jr. High) inició el programa, el impacto ha sido significativo: menos ciberacoso, menos conflictos y mejor concentración en el salón de clases. En comparación con el año pasado por estas fechas, los problemas de disciplina han disminuido en un 75%, lo que significa que los profesores dedican menos tiempo a gestionar los problemas relacionados con el teléfono y más a enseñar.

“What we’re seeing is a kinder, gentler school because of the intentional impact of the wellness initiative. The focus, lessons, and structures put in place have been innovative both as a school and as a district.” Treasure Mountain Junior High Interim Principal Isaiah Folau

PCEF launched the Educator & Student Wellness Signature Initiative in 2022 as educator and student wellness has emerged as a critical area of need. Educator and Student Wellness is one of eight Signature Initiatives funded by PCEF to inspire all Park City students to successfully reach their academic and lifelong potential.

"Lo que estamos viendo es una escuela más amable y gentil gracias al impacto intencionado de la iniciativa de bienestar. El enfoque, las lecciones y las estructuras puestas en marcha han sido innovadoras, tanto en la escuela como en el distrito." - Director Interino de la Escuela Secundaria Treasure Mountain [Jr. High] Isaiah Folau

La PCEF lanzó la Iniciativa Emblemática para el Bienestar de Educadores y Estudiantes en el 2022, ya que el bienestar de los educadores y estudiantes ha surgido como un área crítica de necesidad. El Bienestar del Educador y del Estudiante es una de las ocho Iniciativas Emblemáticas financiadas por la Fundación Educativa de Park City para inspirar a todos los estudiantes de Park City a alcanzar con éxito su potencial académico y de por vida.

Lindsay Carreto, a first-generation college graduate & BF alumna, expands her impact on the Park City community.

Graduada Universitaria de Primera Generación y Alumna del Programa Futuros Brillantes Expande su Impacto en la Comunidad de Park City

Bright Futures Park City changes lives! Your support of BF during Live/Give ensures these first-generation students have the tools they need to become the next generation of leaders.

¡El Programa Futuros Brillantes de Park City cambia vidas! Su apoyo a el programa durante el evento de recaudación de fondos Live/Give [En Vivo/Dona] garantiza que estos estudiantes de primera generación tengan las herramientas que necesitan para convertirse en la próxima generación de líderes.

PCEF's Annual Parent Appeal is all about participation. This year MPES really hit the ground running and won The UPS Stores Park City Challenge Grant of $5,000 in the end with 68% participation. Second and third places were awarded to JRES and TSES, winning $3,000 and $2,000 from The UPS Stores Park City. The ultimate winners are the kids of Park City School District who benefit directly from PCEF's 8 Signature Initiatives and more than 100 programs throughout our schools, funded by PCEF donors.

¡Gracias por apoyar a nuestras escuelas y estudiantes! Usted ha ayudado a nuestra campaña Build the Foundation [Construir los Cimientos] para asegurar que cada estudiante tenga la oportunidad de tener éxito. El premio máximo de $5,000 de la Subvención Desafío [Challenge Grant] de las Paqueterías UPS de Park City* es para la escuela primaria McPolin, ¡con un porcentaje de participación del 68%!

The RC Race and Engineering League provides a unique opportunity for students to engage in designing, building, and racing radio-controlled cars…and its popularity has skyrocketed. More than 95 students participated in the program across three elementary schools last year – TSES, JRES, and MPES. PPES will be added for the 2024-25 school year, completing the expansion to all four Park City elementary schools.

PCEF is proud to fund RC Race and Engineering League as part of Real World Learning, one of PCEF’s 8 Signature initiatives, thanks to generous donors ensuring Park City’s legacy endures.

Park City’s Elementary Visual Arts (EVA) program celebrates artists and nurtures creativity through artistic process, focusing on a different artist and student project from September through May. In February, students will have the unique opportunity to participate in creating artwork for the Wasatch Back Student Art Show. Participating EVA elementary schools include: McPolin, Parley’s Park, and Trailside.

The EVA arts program is provided by the Park City Education Foundation in partnership with the Kimball Art Center, and is one of PCEF’s 8 Signature Initiatives.

Los estudiantes de la escuela primaria de Park City aprenden de forma práctica y real. Si estuvo cerca de la escuela primaria Trailside (TSES) un soleado día de primavera del año pasado, sin duda oyó el rugido de la multitud que animaba y vio las nubes de polvo levantadas por los coches que giraban. Seguramente habría visto la emocionante conclusión de la Carrera RC y la Liga de Ingeniería, en la que los estudiantes compitieron con coches de radiocontrol en una competición enérgica y un tanto caótica, todos esforzándose por cruzar la línea de meta en primer lugar.

El programa de arte EVA es ofrecido por la Fundación Educativa de Park City en colaboración con el Centro de Arte Kimball. Es una de las Ocho Iniciativas Emblemáticas de la PCEF. Su donación ayudará a la PCEF a continuar Sentando las Bases para que cada estudiante tenga éxito y así continuar financiando importantes actividades escolares al donar $360, o $2 por jornada escolar, o únase a Scholar Circle durante nuestro campaña anual para padres de familia, ahora hasta el 4to de octubre del 2024.

Two Bright Futures Park City women begin college knowing they've earned enough scholarship money to fully fund four years of classes. • As the number of BF students increases, the initiative's success rate remains astoundingly high. • How YOU can help Build the Foundation for BF and PCEF this year. ❤️

A current look at Bright Futures students by the numbers.

“It’s because of the community I grew up in. There are so many who have so much in Park City… Anywhere you go in this community you can find the people who want to do more, who are looking to help others. Once I’m in that place to be able to help, and as I get there, I want to do more. These programs are so valuable because I have been helped and now I want to help, too." - Jessica Loya | Bright Futures Student at The U

La graduada de Park City High School 2024 y estudiante de Bright Futures se fija objetivos, elabora un plan para alcanzarlos y logra cada paso en rápida sucesión. ¿La prueba? Jessica obtuvo tantas becas que sus cuatro años en la Universidad de Utah están totalmente financiados.

¡Año 9 del Programa Bright Futures de Park City!

“PCEF aims to fund educator-powered initiatives that inspire all Park City students to reach their academic and lifelong potential. The impetus for the Yondr Pouch Pilot Program came from administrators, educators, and parents who championed this pilot as a solution to help improve and support students’ mental well-being. With a gift from the Roberts Rothe Fund for Perpetual Giving, matched by a generous gift from the Alnoba Lewis Family Foundation, and several other generous supporters, we are proud to provide the funding for the pilot,” 
PCEF President and CEO Ingrid Whitley said.

"La meta de la Fundación Educativa de Park City (PCEF, por sus siglas en inglés) es
financiar iniciativas dirigidas por educadores que inspiren a todos los estudiantes de
Park City a alcanzar su potencial académico y de por vida. El programa piloto de la
bolsa Yondr fue inspirado por administradores, educadores y padres de familia que
defendieron este programa piloto como una solución para mejorar y apoyar el bienestar
mental de los estudiantes. Estamos orgullosos de proporcionar el financiamiento para
el piloto a través de una donación del Fondo Robert Rothe para Donaciones
Permanentes, igualado por una generosa donación de la Fundación de la Familia
Alunoba Lewis, y varios otros generosos partidarios", dijo Ingrid Whitley, Presidente y CEO de la PCEF.

When you give to PCEF, you Build the Foundation for every student to succeed. Our schools are excellent even though $170 million of our education tax dollars leave Park City. PCEF funds help keep PCSD great and build the foundation for every student to succeed.

PCEF’s Annual Parent Appeal Campaign to Build the Foundation will run July 1 - October 4th, 2024.

Al donar a la Fundación Educativa de Park City (PCEF, por sus siglas en inglés), usted
Crea la Fundación para que cada estudiante tenga éxito. Nuestras escuelas son
excelentes a pesar de que $170 millones de nuestros impuestos de educación
salen de Park City. Los fondos de la PCEF ayudan a mantener al Distrito Escolar de
Park City (PCSD, por sus siglas en inglés) grande y construyen los cimientos para que
cada estudiante tenga éxito.

The Development Director should be an experienced development professional ready to lead two major fundraising initiatives, an endowment campaign and our major giving program, for our organization to galvanize the resources we need to advance our mission.

The Finance Director should be a self-sufficient, organized expert in all things financial management for our organization, including internal controls, accounting, budget preparation, cash management, and financial reporting. This person needs to manage a high volume of work with efficiency and have excellent attention to detail. Read the full description to learn more about the role and job responsibilities.

Christine, who has served as the Chair of Running with Ed for the last 6 years, was the highest individual fundraiser for 2024, raising an impressive $32,800. She shares, “I am humbled by your generous support of the 15th Anniversary of Running with Ed. It is no secret that I am passionate about our community, our children, and the Park City Education Foundation. I’m beyond grateful to share that with your help, the Park City Education Foundation surpassed their goal of $325,000 with total donations raising over $340,000. From these generous gifts to over 1,000 runners (316 kids), the 15th Running with Ed was simply a smashing success. Thank you for your support in funding programming at all seven Park City Schools.”

Las escuelas del distrito escolar de Park City comenzarán el año escolar 2024/25 con más de
un cuarto de millón de dólares en fondos para las Subvenciones para los Salones de Clases de
la Fundación Educativa de Park City (PCEF).

Park City School District schools will begin the 2024/25 school year with more than $250,000 in funding. Classroom Grant funds are raised by runners, donors, fundraisers, and the community during Park City Education Foundation’s Running with Ed. 100% of RWE funds stay in our district, and fund educator programs to positively impact every single PCSD student! Read about all the Classroom Grants to be funded for next school year.

El 18 de mayo fue un día perfecto. Temperaturas de 60 grados, disfraces, sonrisas alegres, abrazos enormes, camaradería y muchos recuerdos. Incluso se corrió un poco. Gracias al apoyo de nuestra comunidad, la 15va. carrera de relevos anual Corriendo con Ed fue un éxito en todos los sentidos para la Fundación Educativa de Park City: 1,000 corredores, 125 voluntarios, patrocinadores solidarios e innumerables donantes nos ayudaron a alcanzar nuestra meta de recaudación de $325,000 - ¡y a superarla! –Allison Zarkos, miembro de la Junta de la PCEF y del comité del evento Corriendo con ED, en una carta al periódico Park Record.

May 18 was a picture-perfect day. Temperatures in the 60s, costumes, joyous smiles, huge hugs, camaraderie and memories made. Even a little running thrown in. Thanks to the support of our community, the 15th annual Running with Ed relay race was a success in every way for the Park City Education Foundation: 1,000 runners, 125 volunteers, supportive sponsors and countless donors helped us reach our fundraising goal of $325,000 — and then go past it!
-Allison Zarkos, PCEF Board Member and Running with Ed committee member, in a letter to the Park Record.

Lo que sigue para la Clase del 2024 de la PCHS/Futuros Brillantes - en sus propias palabras...

"Recomiendo al 100% el programa Futuros Brillantes- no le dejarán colgado. Están pendientes de ti. Te sientes cuidado y te sientes VISTO" - Argelia Nava, Universidad Estatal de Utah Clase del 2024 | PCHS 2020 |Futuros Brillantes Park City

"Cuando me uní al programa Futuros Brillantes, mi mentalidad negativa cambió y por fin sentí que tenía un futuro que me ilusionaba. El programa me ayudó a seguir un sentido de dirección a la vez que me hacía responsable de creer en mí misma. También me dio la esperanza de que, como estudiante de primera generación, encontraría el éxito e iría a la universidad sin importar los obstáculos." -- Gracie Burnam, Universidad Estatal de Utah, mayo del 2024 | PCHS 2020

"When I joined BF, my negative mindset changed and I finally felt like I had a future I looked forward to. Bright Futures helped me follow a sense of direction while holding me accountable to believe in myself. Bright Futures gave me hope that as a first-generation student, I would find success and go to college no matter the obstacles." - Gracie Burnam → Utah State University, May 2024 | PCHS 2020

“I 100% recommend Bright Futures – they won’t leave you hanging. They check in on you. You feel cared for and you feel SEEN.” - Argelia Nava, Utah State University Class of 2024 | PCHS 2020 | Bright Futures Park City

What's next for the PCHS/Bright Futures Class of 2024 - in their own words...

Each year, Park City Mountain and Vail Resorts | EpicPromise partner with PCEF's Running with Ed as a Presenting Sponsor. One piece of the sponsorship is $10,000 in Park City Mountain Grant funding - which goes right into Park City schools! PCSD schools with the highest percentages of Running with Ed registrations win $5,000, $3,000, or $2,000 in grants. For points to count toward the participation grant funding, you must register today!

Congratulations to Park City’s Excellent Educators! In addition to award celebrations at each school! Thanks to the Excellent Educator Program, funded by the Louis and Doilney families, all Park City School District employees also received a complimentary entry for this year’s Running with Ed event, courtesy of the Doilney and Louis families, and a caramel apple from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.

No es ningún secreto, ¡amamos a los profesores! Ellos están en el centro de nuestra misión
para financiar y apoyar iniciativas empoderadas por los educadores que inspiren a todos los
estudiantes de Park City a alcanzar con éxito su potencial académico y de por vida. Es
imprescindible que los profesores tengan un sitio en la mesa cuando se trata de diseñar e
implementar los programas de la Fundación Educativa de Park City (PCEF, por sus siglas en
inglés), ya que son los expertos en las distintas necesidades de los estudiantes y de sus
salones de clases.

Mire todos los “triunfos" que hemos obtenido dentro del distrito este año, las cuales se han sido apoyadas gracias a sus donaciones. Desde el Campeonato Estatal del equipo de Oratoria y Debate, hasta el primer lugar en Educación Técnica y Profesional (CTE, por sus siglas en inglés) en la Conferencia Estatal de la Asociación de Estudiantes de Tecnología y su avance a los Nacionales, pasando por los altos índices del Departamento de Música de Park City en el Estado y los premios de la competición del Club de Robótica, estos son solo algunos de los logros más recientes. Por supuesto, no son los solos "triunfos", ya que gran parte del trabajo de programación y apoyo a los estudiantes de Park City es imposible de medir, pero se nota en éxitos como estos.

Financiado por las familias Louis y Doilney, la revelación anual del premio se celebra la mañana del 26 de abril. Todos los profesores, el personal y los administradores de la escuela votan por su Educador Excelente, ¡que es sorprendido y celebrado! Mediante la votación de la clase del último año de la escuela secundaria Park City, el premio Sarah & Stephen Doilney honra al educador más influyente de su carrera escolar.

It’s no secret, we love teachers! They’re at the core of our mission to fund and support educator empowered initiatives that inspire all Park City students to successfully reach their academic and lifelong potential. Making sure teachers have a seat at the table when it comes to PCEF programming design and implementation is essential as they’re the experts in the diverse needs of students and their classrooms.

As we start the final quarter of the 2023/24 school year, it’s important to reflect back on these high marks in programs made possible in partnership with PCSD and supported by PCEF donors. In 2023/24, PCEF funded 42 Classroom Grants, and we’re building momentum toward raising $325,000 through Running with Ed so we can put all proceeds toward next year’s Classroom Grants and programming.

Join us to celebrate Excellent Educators on April 26th, funded by the Louis and Doilney Families. Every school’s teachers, staff, and admin vote for their Excellent Educator, who is surprised and celebrated! The Sarah & Stephen Doilney Award, as voted on by the Senior Class at Park City High, honors the most influential educator of their school career.

El programa Compositor en Residencia del Distrito Escolar de Park City comenzó como una beca piloto en el salón de clases con 16 estudiantes intérpretes en el programa de Percusión del Departamento de Música en el 2021. Encabezado por Bret Hughes mientras desempeñaba su anterior cargo de profesor de música de la Escuela Secundaria de Park City, el programa ha seguido evolucionando en los dos últimos años. Ahora, en su tercer año, está dirigido por Eva Marble, profesora de música de la Escuela Secundaria Park City (PCHS).

The culmination of this year’s Composer in Residence program took to the stage in February as students performed their commissioned piece at the annual String Thing concert. “This performance showcased the true progression from beginner- to advanced-student musicians, demonstrating the growth and development achieved through the program – and will hopefully continue to fuel interest and student enthusiasm around understanding music, performance and the creative process,” Marble said.

Por cada niño inscrito en un programa extraescolar en Utah, 8 más están en lista de espera para conseguir un lugar, lo que refuerza la realidad de la demanda insatisfecha en todo el estado. Afortunadamente, en el Distrito Escolar de Park City la historia es diferente. "Nos complace informar de que actualmente no tenemos ningún estudiante en lista de espera", nos dijo Klarich. Ha seguido formando el equipo del programa Extraescolar contratando personal adicional para abordar y adaptar la creciente demanda. La meta del distrito es poder ofrecer un espacio en el programa Extraescolar a cualquier estudiante/ familia de kínder a 9no grado de la comunidad que desee participar.

For every child enrolled in an afterschool program in Utah, 8 more are on the waitlist for a spot, reinforcing the reality of unmet demand throughout the state. Fortunately, within the Park City School District, it’s a different story. “We’re happy to report we currently have zero students on the waitlist,” Todd Klarich, PCSD’s Community Education Director, told us. He has continued to build the Afterschool team by hiring additional staff to address and accommodate surging demand. The district’s goal is to be able to provide a space in Afterschool for any K-9 student/family within the community who wants to participate.

El servicio comunitario del campamento Hawk brilla en proyectos como Llenar la Mochila a través de la organización Voluntarios por América de Utah. "Realizamos dos proyectos de servicio a la comunidad cada año en el programa extraescolar del campamento Hawk en la escuela primaria Jeremy Ranch (JRES). Este año escolar, estamos ayudando a la organización Voluntarios por América, Centro de Recursos Juveniles de Utah, llenando mochilas con artículos de primera necesidad para adolescentes sin hogar de todo el estado. Dar ejemplo de compasión a nuestros estudiantes más jóvenes ayuda a crear una comunidad mejor, y este proyecto permite a cada estudiante del programa extraescolar del campamento Hawk contribuir", compartió Helen Hanahan, coordinadora del campamento Hawk.

Camp Hawk's community service shines through in projects like Fill the Pack through Volunteers for America Utah.

“We do two community service projects each year at the Camp Hawk Afterschool program at Jeremy Ranch Elementary School (JRES). This school year, we’re helping Volunteers for America, Utah Youth Resource Center by filling backpacks with essentials for homeless adolescents throughout the state. Modeling compassion to our youngest learners helps create a better community, and this project allows each Camp Hawk Afterschool student to contribute.” -Helen Hanahan, Camp Hawk’s Coordinator

"Muchos de nuestros estudiantes de secundaria han 'cobrado vida' a través de las actividades extraescolares de la MASA que establecen el contexto para unas relaciones entre iguales impulsadas por un propósito." -Nikolai Jensen, Consejero de la TMJH

La participación en el programa extraescolar de la MASA no solo mejora el éxito académico, sino que también fomenta un desarrollo social y emocional crucial, nutriendo una experiencia educativa completa para los estudiantes de 8vo y 9no grado de la TMJH. La MASA ofrece opciones para que los niños encuentren un sólido apoyo académico, así como acceso a numerosos clubs extraescolares.

“Many of our junior high students have ‘come to life’ through MASA Afterschool activities that set the context for purpose-driven peer relationships.” -Nikolai Jensen, TMJH Counselor

Engaging in the MASA Afterschool program not only enhances academic success, but also fosters crucial social and emotional development, nurturing a well-rounded educational experience for 8th and 9th graders at TMJH.

Siclali Garcia, a PCHS grad and current Bright Futures college student, talks the talk AND walks the walk - while casually dropping priceless gems of advice gleaned from her hard work.

Tina Goette will be BF Program Director and Valeria Sandoval is the new College Program Manager. Tina and Valeria’s expertise will be invaluable to the students in Bright Futures, one of PCEF’s 8 Signature Initiatives.

¡La Park City Education Foundation se complace en dar la bienvenida a dos nuevos miembros del equipo del programa Bright Futures!

Tina Goette toma el mando como Directora del Programa Bright Futures y Valeria Sandoval ya se ha puesto manos a la obra como nueva Directora del Programa Universitario. La experiencia de Tina y Valeria será inestimable para los estudiantes del programa, una de las 8 iniciativas emblemáticas de la fundación.

La brújula interior de Siclali García la guía para trabajar mucho.

La estudiante del programa Bright Futures de la escuela secundaria Park City está en la Lista del Decano de la Universidad Estatal de Utah, donde asiste a la Escuela de Negocios Jon M. Huntsman. Está en camino de graduarse en el 2025 con una doble especialización en contabilidad y finanzas. Como si eso no fuera suficiente para mantenerla ocupada...

Ingrid Whitley Takes the helm of Park City Education Foundation this month. Park City Education Foundation is proud to welcome Ingrid Whitley as its new President and CEO. Whitley will begin her work with PCEF on January 23, 2024, with more than a decade of expertise in education, educational nonprofit management and consulting, and fundraising – including the leadership of a capital campaign that exceeded its goal by more than $10 million.

"Mi hijo mayor empezó en Holy Cross Ministries el año pasado, cuando tenía 3 años. Cuando me enteré del Programa Preescolar del Distrito Escolar de Park City (PCSD, por sus siglas en inglés), y del acceso y la asequibilidad, aprovechamos la oportunidad de inscribirlo para el año escolar en curso como niño de 4 años. Está aprendiendo lectura, escritura y matemáticas, así como habilidades sociales esenciales para asegurarse de que está preparado para el kínder. Conocer los costos mensuales por adelantado es realmente útil para presupuestar y administrar los gastos mensuales. Una niñera, por ejemplo, podría costar el doble que el preescolar y no se beneficiaría del mismo entorno de aprendizaje positivo que está experimentando ahora. Como padre que trabaja, disponer de esta asequible y magnífica oportunidad preescolar para mi hijo tiene un valor incalculable y aporta a mi familia una gran tranquilidad." -Yoni Nava, Padre de un Estudiante de Preescolar

“When I learned about the PCSD’s Preschool Program, and the access and affordability, we jumped on the opportunity to enroll him for the current school year as a 4 year old. Knowing monthly costs up front is really helpful for budgeting and managing monthly expenses. As a working parent, having this affordable and great Preschool opportunity for my son is invaluable and brings my family great peace of mind.” -Yoni Nava, Preschool Parent

Este año escolar, Dan Gallery asumió el cargo de Director de Preescolar, aportando su pasión por crear un entorno positivo y atractivo para los estudiantes más jóvenes del distrito. "Llevo 11 años en el distrito escolar. Seis años como profesor de Educación Especial y los últimos cuatro como coordinador de Educación Especial. En mi carrera en el area de Educación Especial, construir relaciones sólidas con las familias y los profesores fue un punto culminante, junto con ser testigo de los resultados positivos de hacer hincapié en el buen comportamiento en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje." Es importante destacar que el Sr. Gallery también es padre de un niño pequeño y aporta una valiosa perspectiva personal a este nuevo cargo.

This school year, Dan Gallery stepped into the role of Preschool Director, bringing along his passion for creating a positive and engaging environment for the district’s youngest learners. “I’ve been with the school district for 11 years. Six years as a Special Education teacher, and the last four as Special Education coordinator. In my Special Education career, building strong relationships with families and teachers was a highlight, along with witnessing the positive outcomes of emphasizing good behavior in teaching and learning.” Importantly, Mr. Gallery is also a parent of a young child himself, and brings a valuable personal perspective to this new role.

The new position of part time Development Coordinator will play an integral role in supporting all advancement activities including managing the database, working on events, donor management, direct mail coordination and correspondence, and more

Desde la educación preescolar hasta la postsecundaria, los estudiantes del Distrito Escolar de Park City tienen acceso a un número excepcional de oportunidades de aprendizaje en el mundo real a través de los cursos de los programas de STEAM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería, Arte y Matemáticas) y CTE (Educación Técnica y Profesional). Muchos de estos programas son apoyados - o completamente financiados - por Donantes de la Fundación Educativa de Park City (PCEF).

A través de la robótica, Grant aprendió los fundamentos básicos y la tecnología para diseñar, codificar y construir, y su comprensión siguió creciendo gracias a esta experiencia práctica. Persiguió esta nueva pasión compitiendo en competiciones de robótica durante toda la secundaria, y más tarde se unió al Centro de Estudios Profesionales Avanzados de Park City (PCCAPS, por sus siglas en inglés) donde tuvo la oportunidad de trabajar con empresas reales para diseñar y construir soluciones alineadas dentro del ámbito de la innovación en ingeniería.

From preschool to post-secondary education, Park City School District students have access to an exceptional number of real-world learning opportunities through STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) and CTE (Career and Technical Education) courses. Many of these programs are supported – or completely funded – by PCEF donors.

During the 'Hour of Code', 6th grade students worked in pairs, and were quick to grasp basic design, coding, and building concepts. They connected the components of the provided kit, added and changed code on their computers to produce different results, and incorporated a sensor element to make the robot think. The result – the wood block did in fact turn into a robot that could mechanically wave back and forth, responding only when it sensed darkness in its environment. Throughout the Hour of Code, ALL 6th graders experience programming the block robots, and will have the background needed to apply to other projects.

Through PCHS Robotics, Grant Gabrielson learned basic fundamentals and technology to design, code, and build, and his understanding continued to grow through this hands-on, real-world learning experience. He competed in robotics competitions throughout high school, and later joined PCCAPS, where he had the opportunity to work with real companies to design and build solutions aligned within the scope of engineering innovation.

As part of December's Elementary Visual Arts (EVA) Lesson, students will participate in a graphic design opportunity tailored to them! Students will have the chance to explore their creativity, experiment with colors and layouts, and bring their own ideas to life by creating a brochure.

Our community rocks! A very special "shout out" thank you to these teachers for going the extra mile during Beat the Call, and earning parties and prizes at each school within PCSD. EVERY winning teacher will also receive a FREE Auntie Em's cookie, and be entered into a drawing for a free PCMR winter lift ticket.

For PreK-5th grade, top classrooms in each grade WON a Pizza Party from Red Banjo Pizza! In 6th-9th grade, the top advisory classrooms in each grade WON a Breakfast Party! And, for 9th-12th grade, there was a drawing for a VIP Parking Spot & for Seniors a drawing for 6 VIP Graduation Tickets.

El programa se puso en marcha a principios del año escolar 2023/2024 con el nombramiento de Larissa Fomuke en el puesto recién creado de Coordinadora del Sistema de Apoyo Multinivel (MTSS) en la escuela. Fomuke llevará a cabo un programa piloto de tres años infundiendo las mejores prácticas de bienestar en las clases de asesoramiento y en toda la escuela integrando el Plan de Bienestar del Distrito Escolar de Park City (PCSD), el Plan de Aprendizaje Social y Emocional de la Junta de Educación del Estado de Utah y el Retrato de un Estudiante Graduado de Utah. Se espera que los resultados del proyecto piloto sirvan de base para las prácticas de apoyo a los estudiantes de la escuela secundaria media Ecker Hill y de la escuela secundaria de Park City.

PCEF launched the Educator & Student Wellness Signature Initiative in 2022 as educator and student wellness has emerged as a critical area of need. TMJH is implementing a proactive strategy to overall student wellbeing, offering a powerful way to address personal and social development. Educator and Student Wellness is one of eight Signature Initiatives funded by PCEF to inspire all Park City students to successfully reach their academic and lifelong potential. Wellness is an essential subject.

La Fundación Educativa de Park City (PCEF) y el Distrito Escolar de Park City (PCSD) han dado un paso de gigante para abordar la demanda de bienestar introduciendo un programa piloto pionero en la Escuela Secundaria Treasure Mountain (Jr. High). Esto ha sido posible gracias a un regalo transformador a la PCEF de la Fundación de la Familia Lewis (LFF), una organización caritativa que cree en devolver a la comunidad donde viven, trabajan y juegan.

PCEF and PCSD have taken a giant leap in addressing the demand for Wellness by introducing a pioneering pilot program at Treasure Mountain Junior High (TMJH). This has been made possible thanks to a transformative gift to PCEF from the Lewis Family Foundation (LFF), a charitable organization that believes in giving back to the community where they live, work, and play.

Como dice José, " El programa Sueña en Grande nos lleva a la universidad, El programa Futuros Brillantes nos lleva a través de la universidad. Cada uno de ellos es una comunidad que se une para formar una comunidad aún mayor. Gracias al programa Futuros Brillantes puedo seguir soñando y convertir las esperanzas en realidad durante mis años universitarios."

Learn why Jose Bello says, “If you join Bright Futures and you work to stay in the program you will achieve anything you set your mind to. Thanks to Bright Futures, I can continue to dream and turn hopes into reality during my college years.”

Bright Futures college student Miguel Morales doesn't like to talk about himself. In fact, it's only after a barrage of deflections about perceived stumbles that, for those who pay attention, Miguel’s successes start to surface...

Miguel Morales, estudiante de 22 años del programa Futuros Brillantes, empieza con una lista desarmante de sus tropiezos.

Solo después de un aluvión de evasivas -admite abiertamente que no le gusta hablar de sí mismo-, empiezan a aflorar, para quienes prestan atención, los éxitos de Miguel.

The Park City Education Foundation (PCEF) seeks a visionary, strategic, collaborative, and passionate leader as its next President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The CEO will lead our organization with a current annual budget of over $3 million and seven staff members dedicated exclusively to funding teacher-driven and student-centered initiatives in the Park City school district. They will serve as an organization and community leader who engages donors, community members, and key stakeholders to benefit the Park City Education Foundation's mission. The CEO will have a passion for the mission, a strong history of management experience, and a record of proven success in relationship-building.

Fomentar el crecimiento y la expresión a través del arte ayuda a los estudiantes a conectar
mejor con el mundo que nos rodea. Cada mes del año escolar, EVA destacará a un artista
destacado, enseñará sobre la obra del artista, explorará una variedad de técnicas, medios y
materiales, y guiará a los estudiantes a través de un proceso artístico práctico para crear su
propia obra de arte inspirada.

Explore the Elementary Visual Arts Curriculum (EVA) for each month of the 2023-2024 school year. EVA will highlight a monthly featured artist, teaching the artist's work, exploring an array of techniques, mediums and materials, and guiding students through a hands-on artistic process to create their own inspired artwork.

La profesora de Artes Visuales (EVA) de la escuela primaria Parley's Park, Melissa Allen, dijo: "¡A los niños les ENCANTA ver sus obras de arte expuestas en el pasillo! Me encanta ver cómo los niños se detienen en el pasillo de camino al almuerzo para admirar sus obras de arte."

It seems simple, but allowing students to incorporate art into their school days along with the freedom to create is an essential balance to academic expectations in the classroom. Art is the bright side, or balance, to quantifiable and measured learning. Art plays a unique role in student success.

El año escolar 2023/2024 marca el octavo año de la iniciativa del programa Futuros Brillantes de la Fundación Educativa de Park City. He aquí un resumen del programa en cifras.

PCEF's Bright Futures Park City initiative has an astounding success rate - take a look at the numbers!

“Dream Big gets us to college, Bright Futures gets us through college. They’re each a community that comes together to form an even bigger community.” - Jose Hernandez-Bello PCHS Class of 2023

"El programa Sueña en Grande nos lleva a la universidad, el programa Futuros Brillantes nos lleva a la
universidad. Cada uno es una comunidad que se une para formar una comunidad aún mayor". - José
Hernández-Bello Clase del 2023 de la PCHS.

Su historia es la representación de por qué existe el programa Futuros Brillantes:
Proporcionar un ciclo de oportunidades y apoyo para influir positivamente en los estudiantes de la
primera generación - y en la comunidad de Park City - durante las generaciones venideras.

Lindsay Carreto's story is the embodiment of why Bright Futures exists: to provide a cycle of opportunity and support to positively impact first-generation students - and the Park City community - for generations to come. And it all starts with Summer Academy and Dream Big!

Desde 1978, el Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos ha permitido a las universidades
utilizar la discriminación positiva como herramienta para aumentar la diversidad racial. Sin
embargo, el 29 de junio del 2023 el tribunal rechazó la acción afirmativa en las universidades
de Estados Unidos. Reconocemos lo devastadora que es esta decisión, pero las respuestas de
las universidades locales han venido reafirmando que la diversidad en los campus sigue siendo
una prioridad.

Since 1978, the U.S. Supreme Court has allowed universities to use Affirmative Action as a tool to increase racial diversity. However, on June 29, 2023 the court rejected affirmative action at U.S. colleges and universities. We recognize how devastating this decision is, but the responses from local colleges and universities have been reaffirming that diversity on campus is still a priority.

Abby McNulty, Presidenta y Directora General de la Fundación Educativa de Park City, ha aceptado el cargo de Vicepresidenta de Promoción Institucional de la Universidad Comunitaria de Salt Lake. Su nuevo cargo comienza el 1 de agosto.

After 15 successful years shepherding major growth and programs that have become part of PCSD's classroom mainstays, PCEF's President and CEO announces her move the Salt Lake Community College to become its VP of Institutional Advancement.

Park City Mountain con Vail Resorts EpicPromise anunciaron un compromiso de $250,000 con la Fundación de Educación de Park City para apoyar el preescolar en todo el Distrito Escolar de Park City (PCSD, por sus siglas en inglés). La Fundación para la Educación de Park City está recaudando una dotación de $4M para preescolar con el fin de garantizar el acceso a un preescolar de calidad y asequible para niños desde los 3 años en Park City.

Park City Mountain with Vail Resorts EpicPromise announced a $250,000 commitment to the Park City Education Foundation to support preschool across the Park City School District (PCSD).

Los estudiantes del programa Sueña en Grande [Dream Big] ven esta frase en la pizarra mientras entran en un salón de clases en un luminoso y hermoso día de verano. 70 estudiantes de 10mo, 11vo y 12vo grado de la Escuela Secundaria de Park City se esfuerzan en los salones de clases para asegurarse de que la luz del día ilumine su sueño de convertirse en los primeros de sus familias en llegar a la universidad y terminarla.

PCHS teacher Mel Moffat had big dreams for her first-generation students - and created a program that is getting them to college. Dream Big started with 18 students in 2016, and has grown to 80+ today. It's the academic engine for the Bright Futures program, giving kids the tools to succeed in AP and concurrent enrollment classes at PCHS.

La Fundación Educativa de Park City le da la bienvenida a Lindsay Carreto a su personal con mucho gusto como la Coordinadora del Programa Futuros Brillantes de la Escuela Secundaria. Lindsay es graduada de la Escuela Secundaria de Park City (PCHS, por sus siglas en inglés) generación del 2020, Presidenta de Latinos En Acción (LIA, por sus siglas en inglés) de la PCHS en el 2020, graduada de la Universidad Estatal de Utah en el 2023 y una orgullosa exalumna del programa Futuros Brillantes de la PCEF. Ella estaba entre muchos solicitantes calificados y fue elegida por su experiencia, liderazgo y devoción para ayudar a estudiantes de primera generación a llegar a la universidad.

It is with great pleasure that the Park City Education Foundation welcomes Lindsay Carreto to their staff as the Bright Futures High School Program Coordinator. Lindsay is a 2020 PCHS graduate, a 2020 PCHS Latinos In Action (LIA) President, a 2023 Utah State University graduate, and a proud alumni of the PCEF Bright Futures program.

Las escuelas del Distrito Escolar de Park City comenzarán el año escolar 2023/2024 con más de un cuarto de millón de dólares de financiación para 42Subvenciones para los Salones de Clase.

Classroom Grant funds are raised by runners, donors, fundraisers, and the community during PCEF's Running with Ed. 100% of RWE funds stay in our district - and support more than 100 educator-powered programs. Take a look at the Classroom Grants that will benefit our students in the 2023/24 school year...

“The Louis and Doilney families sponsor the Excellent Educator Program because they know how critical educators are in shaping the next generation of leaders, innovators, and problem-solvers... and want to support the very people who make our schools so great."

“For the third year in a row, Running with Ed has broken records. It’s a resounding endorsement of our community's excellent educators. Not only that, it indicates the recognition that fantastic public education ensures our community’s continued prosperity and stability - a very worthy investment.”

24 first-generation Park City High School students will graduate this year - with a big list of accomplishments already achieved!

They are college-ready, thanks to PCHS programs Dream Big and Latinos in Action, critical partners to Bright Futures, and every single one has plans to participate in post-secondary education, whether it’s college or career training.  

PCEF’s Educator and Student Wellness Speaker Series event, “How to Best Support Your Child Grades 6 - 12" addressed:

~ What to expect during these transformative years.
~ Effective ways to build capacity as a parent.
~ How incidents are handled; what resources are available; specific contacts for specific questions.
~ Useful ways to partner with PCSD in the best interests of your child.

Links for resources at Park City High School, Treasure Mountain Jr. High, and Ecker Hill Middle School.

Key takeaways from PCEF's Educator and Student Wellness Speaker Series event, "How to Best Support Your Child Grades 6 -12."

“It was so nice to have a professional event as an opportunity to connect with others in the district. The food and socialization was good for the soul, and being able to connect with teachers both within my own school and at other schools was so great! I learned a lot from talking to educators at other schools and I feel like I walked away with things I could begin to think about and apply immediately.”*

Dream Big and Latinos in Action are critical partners for Bright Futures Park City. Many BF students participate in all three programs, which all walk alongside motivated students and they prepare for, attend, and succeed in college.

The Classroom Grants committee is a group of teachers, students, and expert volunteers who devote time and care to guide the significant investment PCEF makes into PC classrooms.

Nearly 130 Bright Futures students are hard at work to accomplish their college dreams. Park City Education Foundation's BF program has an astonishing success rate. Take a look!

RWE 2023 Presenting Sponsor Event Network is an organization that walks the walk - quietly. The company, which stays behind the scenes to make its non-profit clients and partners shine, has been a steadfast PCEF Running with Ed Presenting Sponsor since 2019.

Each year, Park City Mountain and Vail Resorts | EpicPromise partner with PCEF's Running with Ed as a Presenting Sponsor. The group provides thousands of dollars - $10,000 of which is distributed to Park City schools through the Park City Mountain Challenge Grant!

Cada año, Park City Mountain y Vail Resorts | EpicPromise se asocian con el evento Corriendo con Ed de la PCEF como Patrocinador Presentador. Una parte del patrocinio es $10,000 en fondos para subvención de Park City Mountain - ¡que va directo a las escuelas de Park City!

What you need to know for #RWE23!

Being an effective parent while you try to support your pre-teen or teenager’s academic and social journey through middle and high school years can be extremely challenging.

This PCEF's Educator and Student Wellness Speaker Series event will offer critical insights and proven techniques to navigate this sometimes tricky path..

After decades of selfless service, during which she positively impacted everyone with whom she crossed paths, beloved Preschool Director Kathy Anderson will retire. PCEF has had the pleasure of working alongside Kathy for the last 12 years, as she created the Preschool Program and guided it to present day. Kathy - you will be so missed!

PCEF has funded more than 795 grants to classroom teachers (plus about 150 Express Grants!) through Classroom Grants. Here are few ways Park City's excellent educators are preparing our students to be tomorrow's innovators, problem-solvers, and leaders!

Two Bright Futures Park City students qualify as Utah Sterling Scholars - the first time ever!

Witnessing Classroom Grants come to life in the hands of PCSD’s expert educators is one of the most joyful parts of the job for the PCEF team, and we wanted to share that with you this month.

Here are a few ways our innovative educators are preparing our students to enter a world we can’t even imagine...

This May, eight hard-working first-generation students – from the first and second cohorts of Park City Education Foundation’s Bright Futures Park City initiative – will graduate from college!

"La PCEF nos ayuda a mantener los costos asequibles para las familias", dijo Todd Klarich, Director de Educación Comunitaria del Distrito Escolar de Park City. "Desde su inicio, el programa Extraescolar nunca ha subido los precios - y podemos ofrecer becas a un 30% de los asistentes."

Las investigaciones demuestran que los adolescentes que tienen una actividad extraescolar segura y estructurada tienen más probabilidades de tener éxito en la escuela..

El programa extraescolar de la escuela secundaria Treasure Mountain [Jr. High] -la Academia Extraescolar Mustang (MASA)- está repleta de un amplio apoyo académico y un menú extraescolar tan variado que los educadores informan de un increíble grado de compromiso por parte de los estudiantes.

“PCEF helps us keep costs affordable for families,” said Todd Klarich, PCSD’s Director of Community Education. “Since its inception, Afterschool has never raised prices  - and we are able to provide scholarships for about 30% of attendees.”  

Safe, structured Afterschool programming is just as important in middle school and junior high.

There are more than 200 8th- and 9th-grade students registered for TMJH's Afterschool program. They use that time to make up tests, have concepts retaught, complete make-up work from any missed school, complete work not done in class, and get ahead on assignments. There's also a Chill Zone with dozens of fun activities to keep students engaged.

Concern about children outside, unsupervised in the elements, inspired Michelle Coy, Program Coordinator for Park City School District's Community Education, to create the Before School pilot a couple of years ago. It's now part of the Afterschool Program and is facilitated by a coordinator and an aide at McPolin.

Within PCSD boundaries, there are about 1800 children under age 5. 600 of them are preschool-aged (at last count). PCSD has room for up to 190 Preschoolers... for now!

Access for HUNDREDS more is being created RIGHT NOW...

"Cuando el preescolar ampliado del Distrito Escolar de Park City entre en funcionamiento, tendrá un profundo impacto en nuestra comunidad", dijo Abby McNulty, Presidenta y Directora Ejecutiva de la PCEF. "Los padres y cuidadores de los niños de 4 años de nuestra comunidad, así como muchos niños de 3 años, tendrán una solución - y el programa proporcionará beneficios futuros de gran alcance para nuestra comunidad."

“When PCSD’s expanded Preschool comes online, it will have a profound impact on our community,” said McNulty. “Parents and caregivers of our community’s 4-year-olds, as well as many 3-year-olds, will have a solution - and the program will provide far-reaching future benefits for our community.” 

"Quiero que mis estudiantes tengan una buena impresión de la escuela. El preescolar prepara a nuestros niños para el futuro, y, si se interesan por la escuela, tendrán ganas de aprender. Aprenderán a leer, a escribir, a cambiar el mundo y a hacer de él un lugar mejor. Les estamos enseñando a ser GENIALES."

“Preschool sets our kids up to lead our future. If they become intrigued with school, they’ll have the desire to learn. They’ll learn how to read, learn to write, learn how to change the world – and make it a better place.” – Lisa Rasch, JRES Lead Preschool Teacher

Argelia and Anayeli Nava are the first two in their family to attend college - on the same campus! The sisters are together now, but they will soon have to navigate how to stay close from a distance.

It is so joyful to connect with others over art - which is a big reason why PCEF's Scholar Circle EVA Virtual Visit has become a beloved event! Click through to create your own masterpiece.

See your impact in our Donor Impact Report for the 2021-2022 school year. | Consulta tu impacto en nuestro Informe de Impacto de Donantes del curso 2021-2022.

No es pintar con brocha gorda decir que el arte es bueno para casi todo el mundo. Un estudio tras otro demuestra su poderoso impacto: el arte aumenta el aprendizaje visual, social, emocional e interpersonal; tiene beneficios para la salud mental y la elasticidad cerebral. También facilita el acceso al programa de STEM al hacer que los temas sean más accesibles y atractivos. 

How is art a scientific exploration? McPolin's EVA teacher explains her method!

Connect with your children and their artwork! Here is the Elementary Visual Arts curriculum for the 2022/2023 school year.

La vida fuera de la escuela repercute en el aprendizaje diario, por eso es esencial que la Iniciativa para el Bienestar de Educadores y Estudiantes de la Fundación Educativa de Park City (PCEF) llegue más allá del salón de clases, especialmente durante las vacaciones.  

Underlying reasons for adolescent substance use, what substances kids are being exposed to/using, risks parents need to be aware of, and actions you can take around this topic.

Lo que los padres deben saber sobre las sustancias que los adolescentes consumen o a las que están expuestos; las razones subyacentes al consumo de sustancias por parte de los adolescentes; riesgos a tener en cuenta; cómo hablar con tus hijos sobre esto.

Educators, students, and the community can find many local resources on this list, which was created by Park City Community Foundation's Mental Wellness Alliance.

Many PCSD parents will get information about the SHARP survey. What is it?

"Celebrating Special Education Day is all about recognizing the milestones of progress made since the 1975 signing of IDEA,” said Park City School District Special Education Director Jaclyn Knapp.

PCEF's Running with Ed voted Best Fundraising Event - again!

Dr. Jason Rafferty  → "El Viaje A Través del Abuso y la Experimentación De Sustancias en la Adolescencia: Lo Que Los Padres Deben Saber"
Lunes, 5 de diciembre del 2022 | 7 p.m.
Centro de Educación Blair en el Hospital de Park City

Park City High School English teacher Melissa Nikolai teaches "Literature of Happiness." The surprising, creative ways she helps students learn how to be happy - and how PCEF supports her along the way, with its new Signature Initiative, Educator and Student Wellness.

Events in November and December you won't want to miss!

Dr. Jason Rafferty, pediatrician and child psychiatrist, will present "Tripping through Adolescent Substance Abuse and Experimentation: What Parents Need to Know," on Monday, December 5, 2022, at 7 p.m., in the Blair Education Center of the Park City Hospital. This free community event is the second in PCEF's Educator and Student Wellness Speaker Series.

Three teachers discuss the hard work to maintain their footing over the last few years, how PCEF supported them, and what schools would look like in Park City if PCEF didn't exist...

Isaac Cortés and Lindsay Carreto are preparing to become the very first in their families to graduate from college. How they made it this far, what they plan to do next, and why they both want to give back to Bright Futures Park City.

Three Bright Futures students discuss the PCEF Signature Initiative, their dream internships, and how BF has already changed their lives.

Seven Bright Futures Park City students are poised to become the first in their families to earn a college diploma. How PCEF and the BF college coaching program has prepared them to step into a future we can't begin to imagine.

Another incredible Beat the Call results in a huge investment in Park City's future. See the winners of The UPS Stores Park City Grants - AND the winners of this year's special PCHS BTC efforts!

PCEF events in October 2022 - and one that we'd love for you to add to your calendar WAY ahead of time!

Ten years and 999 students' worth of PCCAPS; what's in store for PCSD's Career and Technical Education (CTE) programming -- and why it is critical for all of our students!

PCEF's Scholar Circle Insider takes a look at giving Park City students a compass to navigate their futures; whether "the kids are alright;" and two major milestones for PCEF-supported programming.

PCEF events in September, 2022.

“Because of PCCAPS, I already had the understanding of how to apply what I know - it has helped me tremendously! Just knowing how what you are learning will apply in real life is really important.”

The PCHS Transition Program, captained by Special Education teacher Holly Huggins, graduated its first cohort in May of 2022 - with a 100% graduation rate and a 100% employment rate. Many students now attend college. And for three years in a row - since the program started - every single person who is in the transition program has paid work experience.

“I learned that there is a place for me in science. I may not look like a scientist or feel like one but science is a big field and it's diverse. I have a place in science - and so does anyone who has that passion.” - Jose Hernandez, Bright Futures student, PCHS Class of 2023

The answer to "Are the Kids Alright" may surprise just about everyone. The incredible insight from PCEF's first-ever Educator and Student Wellness Speaker Series event.

Brand-new dates and ~amazing~ prizes for PCHS' Beat the Call this year; how to win HUGE cash infusions for your child's school, and why a cup of coffee just doesn't cut it anymore...

PCEF is launching a brand-new speaker series focused on mental wellness; plus, NEW Beat the Call dates you need to know for PCHS; and, get ready to party for a great cause with Red Apple Gala!

How PCEF's contributions to Park City's educators and schools ensure students are prepared for a dynamic new world filled with exciting changes and new challenges; ones we can’t even yet imagine!

In PCEF’s first-ever Educator and Student Wellness Speaker Series event, Dr. Thompson will discuss the current state of mental health for children -- and give parents specific, expert guidance on protective measures.

There is a massive milestone on the way for Bright Futures Park City. The PCEF Signature Initiative is getting ready to celebrate in a HUGE way this May!

Many Special Education students continue to attend classes through the summer. Click through to explore how educators keep the learning fresh!

Seniors in Park City's Special Education program had a 100% graduation rate in 2022! Take a look to see what comes after graduation...

Exclusive pre-sale access for Red Apple tickets and tables opens for Scholar Circle members on July 11, 2022! Plus, a number of other upcoming PCEF events to add to your calendar.

Educator and Student Wellness and Real World Learning take their rightful places as PCEF Key Initiatives. The update is part of PCEF's relentless work to achieve accessible impact for all Park City students.

PCEF's President and CEO, Abby McNulty, shares thoughts on how to create space to both honor Park City students' success and to mourn the tragedy another school community working its way through.

After a 150% increase in Classroom Grant applications, PCEF's Board approved a large increase in funding. Take a look at the incredible projects that will be funded for the 2022/2023 school year!

1200 Runners + 26.4 Miles + $320K Goal = A Record-Smashing #RWE2022 Result!

The Big Shot Photo Gallery of #RWE2022 is not to be missed!

Click through to see the final percentages for all PCSD schools in the race for the Park City Mountain Grant!

Link to Park Record's photo gallery of #RWE2022.

Excellent Educators have been celebrated as part of the revamped PCEF Excellent Educator Program, funded by the Louis and Doilney Families. See the recipients here, along withThe Sarah and Stephen Doilney Award winner - who is voted on by PCHS seniors as the most influential teacher of their school career.

Dozens of heartwarming, inspiriting comments from the PCHS Class of 2022' Sarah and Stephen Doilney Award nominations.

Map of the Excellent Educator banners on Main Street - go find your favotites!

The incredible impact on students who participate in PCCAPS is no secret - and the number of students is growing exponentially. Business projects are needed for the upcoming school year!

A PCCAPS student discusses the unique ways her experience in the program has helped her get set up for future success!

PCCAPS, the incredibly successful PCEF Initiative that gives students the chance to work on real projects with real businesses, relies on business partners. Adrienne Woolley, the Program Coordinator P, outlines project needs for the upcoming 2022/23 school year.

Support for our Excellent Educators in Park City is critical: a Guest Editorial from PCEF's Board of Trustees.

The 2022 PCEF Alumni Showcase brings six PCHS alumni together for an enlightening (virtual) roundtable.

ALL 12 of the Bright Futures students graduating from PCHS in 2022 plan to attend college in the fall – and many of them have earned incredible scholarships to help relieve the financial burden.

Bright Futures students are succeeding at unprecedented rates; take a look at the unique strategies the BF team employs to maximize impact!

Computational Thinking is a way to bring STEM processes to non-STEM classrooms. Thanks to PCEF donors, a number of EHMS teachers are participating in a pilot to deepen learning in any subject.

Park City students have access to an incredible array of STEM and CTE programming. Take a look at the tremendous opportunities available - from preschool all the way through post-secondary education!

PCEF donors fund hundreds of thousands of dollars in Classroom Grants each year. Hear how these grants, which go directly into classrooms, positively impact students who experience them!

Teaching STEM techniques in non-STEM classes improves access and equity for Park City students - and allows them to shift from consumers to creators.

Read the bios of our six fascinating PCHS alumni panelists about the unique and inspiring work they’re doing taking on some of our world’s biggest challenges, and how their time at PCHS informed their path.

PCEF donors support programs like Theater, which cultivates communication skills, improves collaboration skills, enforces creativity, boosts confidence, and provides opportunities to practice public speaking - all while creating new connections.

Hundreds of Classroom Grants have positively impacted countless Park City students and teachers!

Helpful hints for PCSD educators who are applying - or thinking of applying for Classroom Grants.

Bright Futures college student Siclali Garcia shares the key things she did to acclimate during her first (tough!) semester at USU.

This Virtual Visit will melt your heart AND inspire you! Join us on a tour of the PCSD Preschool Program!

As more Park City High School students join Bright Futures, the need for support grows, too! PCEF is happy to welcome the brand-new BF College Program Manager, Joana Acevedo, to the team!

Preschool builds the foundational attitude upon which children build their educational careers. Students are exposed to new experiences, skills, and ideas; academic language; and friendship, cooperation, collaboration, and confidence are practiced each day.

PCSD Preschool can accommodate 190 students. That number is about to increase!

Scholar Circle Grandparents and Grandchildren create art together in this special Virtual Visit for EVA!

The PCSD Special Education team has powered through the pandemic with incredible outcomes. Every school's students improved in at least one area, and each school remained relatively level in measurement outcomes - in the midst of a global pandemic!

College-bound. Career-bound. A mix of both. CTE is for every single student. One of the ways PCEF measures impact is by funding programs that make college-and-career-readiness more accessible to all students - like CTE.

An updated list of discounts for our incredible Park City School District educators.

Park City School District will have free rapid testing at two sites the first week back from winter break.

Iva Chho spent two of her PCHS years as a student in PCCAPS – an experience she says helped her get accepted into one of the most elite computer science schools in North America!

Exponential growth is underway for the Park City Center for Advanced Professional Studies (PCCAPS); hear from students and staff about the high-level work they are accomplishing with real, local businesses!

Donations to PCEF make an immediate and lasting impact on our students; see the impact clearly in our Donor Impact Report for 2020-2021!

PCSD students discuss the impact of PCEF-funded initiatives and programs on their lives: past, present, and future!

See why funding academic programs to best support our students, especially through challenging times, is essential.

Bright Futures students discuss the things they value most about being part of the initiative, along with some unexpected challenges they have overcome in the past couple of years!

Contributions to PCEF's projects totaled more than $265,000 in 2021's Live PC Give PC event.

The first-ever PCEF Virtual Visit takes us to the Elementary Afterschool Initiative, where stunning statistics on the benefits of Afterschool programming are shared.

One Bright Futures student explains the drive to get to - and through! - college.

Thanks to the connections provided by Bright Futures, opportunities for students like Melissa Cruz are revealed. Because donors keep Bright Futures going, Melissa can stay focused on finishing college and pursuing her dreams.

Afterschool is academically enriching for students and financially affordable for families, AND it’s also fantastic for building friendships!

Un bono del Distrito Escolar de Park City está en la boleta electoral de este año. Su voto es decisivo.

The Park City School District community has passed the school bond – here's what you need to know...

Park City families showed up in a record-smashing way for Beat the Call 2021; check out the WINNERS of The UPS Stores Park City Grants!

Bright Futures Park City works to empower first-generation, low-income students to – and through! – college; here's a rundown of how this year is shaping up for these incredible students!

PCEF donors are supporting a brand-new Before School pilot program, funded with a Classroom Grant.

Their children may be high school and even college graduates, but these parents still feel passionate about supporting public education in Park City.

For a 14-year old Park City School District student, creating abstract art is the way he best experiences focus and clarity.

Check out the Elementary Visual Art (EVA) lessons and teachers for 2021 -2022.

PCEF President and CEO Abby McNulty welcomes families of new students to the Park City School District!

Bright Futures Summer Academy Empowers Students To Get “To And Through” College

Meet Steven Mitchell, PCHS Class of 2019, and how PCEF has inspired his college journey.

Meet Edwin Ramos, PCEF's first Bright Futures summer intern. He's powering a new effort at PCEF, with the potential to improve communication for hundreds of Park City families.

Edwin Ramos, estudiante de último año de PCHS, está trabajando en las publicaciones de PCEF en las redes sociales en español.

PCHS rising senior Edwin Ramos is working on PCEF's Spanish-language social media posts.

25 Classroom Grant requests have been funded for the 2021/2022 school year. These programs touch each school and positively impact every PCSD student.

Community Support Ensures Joyful Move-In Day for Bright Futures Class of 2021. They're Ready to Start their Freshman Year!

Meet Perla Garcia

Park City Television has put together this great RWE 2021 video recap! Check it out!

Read about Park City Center for Advanced Professional Studies (PCCAPS) and how it's challenging students to problem-solve in real life in real time.

Check out three examples of students and businesses working together. With PCCAPS exponential growth, many more projects are needed!

Let the Park City Center for Advanced Professional Studies advance your business!

In this month's Student Voice Series seniors Drew Neff and Perla Garcia reflect on a senior year like no other.

Meet Andrea Vazquez

How can robots and STEM teach resilience?

4th grade Anika Grenney and 6th grader Isabel Rojas discuss school challenges and bright spots this year.

Despite the setbacks of a crazy 2020/21, the resilient PCHS Debate Team has had an incredible year! In fact, it is one of the best years Park City High Debate has ever had. (Picture pre-pandemic)

Acronyms galore! PCEF donors support numerous STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and CTE (Career and Technical Education) programs in our district. Take a look!

4th grader Oliver Abbett and 6th grader Lila Jacoby tells why they feel lucky, even during a pandemic.

Fund a grant. Empower a teacher. 

Bright Futures helps students on many different college paths.

When you lower the cost of preschool, you raise the odds of success.

A Treasure Mountain Junior High and a Park City High student tell us what they love about their teachers during COVID.

Park Record intern and PCHS student Grace Plavocos writes about the PCEF Educator Wellness Initiative

We learn a bit about the arts programs available for students in the Park City Schools District's January Newsletter. PCEF supports music and arts programs from Kindergarten through 12th grade, including our Elementary Visual Arts (EVA) program.

Bright Futures helps students stay focused on their college graduation goals.

Two PCHS students discuss overcoming adversity in 2020 and their resolutions for 2021.

From Kindergarten through 12th grade, the Park City School District is providing students with numerous tech opportunities. "With the generous and ongoing support of PCEF, PCSD has been able to develop and implement a plan that moves students from merely being technology-literate to using computational thinking skills to solve complex problems."

PCEF brings a cup of happiness to each school, thanks to donors to our Educator Wellness Initiative.

On 12/8, hear from our collegians about what it’s like to be a first-generation student during COVID. Learn about the tools and strategies they are using to survive… and thrive in school.

This virtual event is free but registration is required.

It's inspiring, refreshing, and encouraging to hear from these smart, grounded, positive and capable students. Watch the recording!

The Bright Futures program is available to low-income, first-generation students. Students apply for the program in the spring semester of ninth grade.

See the webinar recording and find key resource for this incredibly powerful and moving presentation, hosted by PCEF and Communities that Care.

New fund to offer suite of support for exhausted educators.

The McPolin Promise Partnership supports students and families at McPolin Elementary by aligning an array of programs so that every student can succeed.

New fund to offer suite of support for exhausted educators

Jessica, PCHS Class of 2022, is already making a difference for her community.

Paying it forward on behalf of Hispanic students who are the first in their family to attend college.

We know the number one influence on student success is the classroom teacher. In a world turned upside down, we asked five teachers for their thoughts on the school year so far.

Cathy Lanigan's short answer to the question 'Why do I give to PCEF' is inspiring!

All donations to PCEF from 9/8 - 9/25 will be matched dollar for dollar!

These first-generation Park City students start their college journey off right, thanks to donors.

"Cuando les oí hablar de lo exigentes que son los cursos y de lo ajetreada que es la vida universitaria para los estudiantes de ingeniería, me motivó mucho. Yo trabajo mejor cuando se me plantean retos", admite Vicente.

Meet Bright Futures student and future engineer Vincente Flores.

The July 22nd webinar recording and several links for your reference are available on this important topic.

Being diagnosed with dyslexia didn't stop Maetzi from pursuing her dreams

The #1 influence on student success is the classroom teacher. Thanks to PCEF donors, we are proud to empower classroom teachers through our Classroom Grants program.

A PCHS senior combines her love for art with digital design experience learned in PCCAPS, and creates an image reflecting this uncharted moment in time.

Thanks to YOU, we responded to immediate student and teacher needs during COVID19 school closures.

We asked some of the top experts in PCSD – our 2020 Excellent Educators – for tips on summer learning.

Sadie Ortiz, PCHS Class of 2019 and in the inaugural class of Bright Futures since she was a 10th grader, earns a true full-ride scholarship!

Park City High teachers Ashley Mott and Matt Nagel reflect on lessons learned over eight weeks of distance learning. PCEF Emergency Express Grants have helped them improve their online teaching, make connections and plan for the future during a very tough time.

Read about the difference your gifts have made in just two months!

The COVID-19 crisis has thrown the Class of 2020 into uncharted territory, but these students are determined to follow their dreams of a college education.

Parents - the homeschooling struggle is real! Here are some PCSD principal tips for at-home learning success.

The COVID-19 crisis underscores the urgency for Park City's Bright Futures students.

Trailside third grade teachers Krista Ingle and Michelle Owen share their early successes and challenges through these initial weeks of quarantine. They are among the first teachers to ask for a PCEF Emergency Express Grant.

PCHS Senior Adilene Juarez pens a prize winning essay for the Latinos in Action Spring Conference. Adilene's efforts earn her scholarship money toward the University of Utah, which she'll attend this fall!

Lindsay, one of only 30 students chosen out of 700, receives full tuition and fees, up to four years!

PCHS Junior Ashley N keeps working toward her dream - in spite of COVID-19 challenges

PCEF Expands Express Grant Fund to $50,000 to Support Immediate Teacher and Student At-Home Learning Needs.

In spite of Running with Ed cancellation, PCEF expands urgent funding to support Park City students and teachers.

Help for families whose livelihoods, health, housing, and basic needs may be impacted

Overwhelmed by the zillions of ideas all over social media to keep your kids safe and engaged? Here's a few links that have tons of resources in one place.

As we all work to keep our kids engaged, learning, and growing, PCEF is collecting a list of resources for you to reference whenever you might need it!

For many kids, the Afterschool Program is the best part of their day.

High quality preschool starts kids out with a love of school - and every $1 invested saves $13 later on.

Ms Kris loves nurturing little learners - and uses PCEF funding to help their school journey start off right.

Park City Mountain employee Chayse Maxwell talks about why Vail Resort EpicPromise supports PCEF and Preschool.

Fund a Grant. Empower a Teacher

A Classroom Grant transforms Marilyn's art classes for her students

Find out why Tom and Lynn support PCEF Classroom Grants

PCHS students Kristina Schiffman and Iva Chho talk about their transformative PCCAPS experience.

PCHS students rave about Kelly Henderson. Find out why.

The Rifkin's love all the PCEF programs their gifts support.

How one PCEF program, Bright Futures, is helping Park City's first generation kids get to, and through, college

Park City native, PCHS Class of 2014, and now Ecker Hill teacher - Rebeca Gonzalez talks about her path to teaching in PCSD.

Erin Hesser, Community Outreach Partner for Westgate Resort & Spa Park City/Westgate Foundation, talks about why it's important to support public education and PCEF.

When science is hands-on, creative thinking takes off

As one of the earliest teachers to ask for Makerspace funding, Brad talks about how hands-on learning inspires a love of STEM in his classes

Find out why the Prucka's are such strong supporters of STEM programs

Read how the power of art, thanks to a PCEF program, literally transforms a child's day.

Ms Coccaro feels her job is to guide young minds 'towards kindness and thoughtfulness' - and art helps. Find out more.

Two students give $180 to PCEF - one ponytail at a time. Read about Bandas de Amor, and the two PCSD students who started it to raise money to help their community.

Your Impact This Year

  • Students Reached


  • Invested in Our Schools


  • % Parents Giving 2023/2024


  • Programs Funded


  • Alnoba Lewis Family Foundation
    Alnoba Lewis Family Foundation

    Alnoba Lewis Family Foundation

  • Ascent Fund
    Ascent Fund
  • Beard Charitable Foundation
    Beard Charitable Foundation
  • Byrne Family Foundation Trust
    Byrne Family Foundation Trust
  • Dan & Terese Heintzelman Family Foundation
    Dan & Terese Heintzelman Family Foundation
  • Garen Family Foundation
    Garen Family Foundation
  • Kelsi and John Mellor
    Kelsi and John Mellor
  • Montage Deer Valley
    Montage Deer Valley
  • Park City Mountain Resort
    Park City Mountain Resort
  • Park City Municipal
    Park City Municipal
  • Parker Family Charitable Fund
    Parker Family Charitable Fund
  • Tatiana and Matthew Prince
    Tatiana and Matthew Prince
  • The Efrusy Family Foundation
    The Efrusy Family Foundation
  • Zions Bank
    Zions Bank
  • Anonymous
© 2025 Park City Education Foundation

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