Dear Scholar Circle Community,
It's hard to believe 2021 is already coming to a close. As I look back, I am especially grateful to you, and to your fellow Scholar Circle members. Your annual gifts make an immediate and lasting impact on our students. I see the impact clearly in our Donor Impact Report for 2020-2021. One of your Scholar Circle membership benefits is to see the report before the general public, another is to receive this Insider update from me.
I see two things when I review this report: annual success and long-term impact.
Success looks different for every child. For one, it’s running the Coffee Cart at their school, which requires customer service, communication skills, and calculating price, tax, and tips. This Coffee Cart project (at 5 schools) is funded by a PCEF Classroom Grant.
For another student, it’s excelling in math, and leveraging both work experience and computer science expertise gained in PCEF-supported PCCAPS to earn entry into one of North America’s most elite college computer science programs.
At PCEF, we fund initiatives that inspire all Park City students to reach their academic and lifelong potential.
Many of you were at Kiln with me a few weeks back, at our Scholar Circle Insider Event where we listened to five students talk about their experiences in teacher-designed, PCEF-funded initiatives. The 8th - 12th graders highlighted joy, discovery, and connection. But they also spoke about the skills and attributes they have learned to enable lifelong success. They spoke about independence, persistence, agility and flexibility, communication at all levels, becoming leaders, and jumping into opportunities.
Park City Education Foundation’s impact is both deep and broad. It’s life-changing and far-reaching. As we lean into the long days of winter, I encourage you to take a look behind the curtain and see the impact your donations are having. Because of the Park City Education Foundation and donors like you, academic resources and student opportunities rival any top school in the country, public or private!
Don’t just take my word for it; we host monthly virtual visits. They’re quick, 30-minute glimpses into each of our eight key initiatives. They’re chock-full of information and feature teacher and student voices. I learn something new with every visit!
Virtual Visit Recordings 2021 | 2022
Afterschool Initiative (Elementary)
Bright Futures
Next up is an EVA (Elementary Visual Art) visit in January, along with an art lesson for grandparents and grandchildren! You can find it, and future virtual visits, on our calendar.
We love working with you and we love hearing from you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me, or to any one of our amazing staff members. Thank you for your generous support.
With gratitude and wishes for a happy new year,
Abby McNulty
President and CEO
Park City Education Foundation
(o) 435-615-0235
(c) 435-659-6946
PS: You may find your fellow Scholar Circle members here.