Park City Mountain with Vail Resorts EpicPromise announced a $250,000 commitment to the Park City Education Foundation to support preschool across the Park City School District (PCSD). The Park City Education Foundation is raising a $4M preschool endowment to ensure access to quality, affordable preschool for children as young as age 3 in Park City.
“Affordable, comprehensive, high-quality preschool is a critical need in our local community,” said Deirdra Walsh, vice president and chief operating officer of Park City Mountain. “We are proud to be able to support our youngest community members and help them build a strong foundation for their future through the Park City Education Foundation.”
Park City was the first school district in Utah to make subsidized preschool available. Park City Mountain, through Vail Resorts EpicPromise, has been supporting the program since 2014. Currently, Park City schools can accommodate 200 preschoolers across the entire district. With support from the PCEF endowment and a 2021 school district bond to build additional educational space, an additional 400 preschool students will be able to enroll and take advantage of PCSD’s comprehensive, high-quality, affordable early learning offerings.
“Early childhood education is crucial for the success of all students and plays a critical role in the health of entire families and communities," said Abby McNulty, president and chief executive officer of Park City Education Foundation. "We are incredibly grateful to Park City Mountain and Vail Resorts EpicPromise for their support of early childhood education. Access to affordable, quality preschool has been shown to increase high school graduation rates, years of college completed, and lifetime earned income. Addressing the opportunity gap prior to kindergarten enables all students, regardless of background or ability to start with the same foundation.”
PCEF has made a commitment to fund subsidized tuition in perpetuity, ensuring preschool is affordable and accessible for every Park City family - now and in the future. We can only do this with community partners like Park City Mountain and Vail Resorts EpicPromise.