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STEM and CTE in PCSD | 2022

"The funding from PCEF provides opportunities students wouldn't otherwise be afforded during their K-12 experience. Generally speaking, the state funding we receive for CTE is primarily allocated to teacher salaries and is reserved for grades 9 - 12.

A lot of the programs you see in elementary and middle schools are possible due to the support received from PCEF.  [In many cases] the hands-on experience students receive wouldn't have been possible without PCEF."

–Lyndsay Huntsman, Park City School District’s CTE & PCCAPS Director

From preschool to post-secondary education, Park City School District students have access to an exceptional number of STEM and CTE (Career and Technical Education) classes. Many of these programs are supported –or completely funded– by PCEF donors. 

PCEF was launched in 1986, when a PCHS science teacher requested funding to send two students to a Stanford space camp. In the nearly 40 years since, PCEF has funded hundreds of STEM grants – including the groundbreaking elementary coding programs which started in 2015.

CTE, which increases STEM accessibility and makes the content more relevant, is poised to become an even more powerful asset for Park City students: thanks to our community’s overwhelming approval of the PCSD Facilities Bond, a new facility will allow CTE students to learn and work in environments on par with those found on job sites across the country.

Click → here to see current PCSD CTE offerings, which include many concurrent enrollment classes (students can receive college credit or professional certifications) at TMJH/PCHS.

Scroll to see STEM/CTE programs PCEF donors support, including brand-new programming set to debut in the 2022/23 school year! 


Computer Science | Engineering | CTE Instruction 

  • Kindergarten - 5th → Coding Classes
    • Provide instruction that incorporates elements of computational thinking.
    • Expose students to coding, build confidence, & generate excitement.
    • Foster creativity & collaboration.
  • CTE Introduction to “Four Purposes” → Connector, Innovator, Maker, Analyzer 
  • Elementary SEEd (Utah Science with Engineering Education) Standards 

PCEF Donor-Funded STEM/CTE Programs 2021/22:

  • K-12 coding, computer science materials, and professional development 
  • K - 5 PACE (Program for Academic Challenge & Enrichment) materials  
  • STEM teacher for elementary Afterschool Program 
  • STEM activities for elementary Afterschool Program 
  • Special Education Coffee Cart (PPES, JRES, & TSES) 
  • Functional Cooking Lessons (TSES)
  • Seed to Plants 
  • Preschool Project-Based Learning 
  • STEM Learning Centers for Kindergarten (MPES)
  • Classroom Tech (PPES)
  • RC Race and Engineering Club (TSES)


Computer Science | Engineering | CTE Instruction 

  • 6th → Coding Explorations → NEW for 6th 2022/23
  • 7th → Creative Coding 1 
  • 7th → College and Career Awareness (CCA) 
  • 7th → Exploring Technology

PCEF Donor-Funded STEM/CTE Programs 2021/22:  

  • Computational Thinking Pilot → Computer Science strategies to deepen learning in non-STEM subjects  
  • Afterschool Technology Student Association (TSA) 
  • CTE Hardware & Software 
  • Special Education Coffee Cart
  • Math Incentives & Supplemental Math Learning
  • Science Initiatives and Expanded Science Materials
  • iPad as Tool for Tech & Coding 


Computer Science | Engineering | CTE Instruction 

  • 8th → Creative Coding 2 → NEW for 2022/23
  • 8th → Engineering Technology
  • 9th → Exploring Computer Science
  • 9th → Computer Programming 1 → NEW for 2022/23
  • 9th → Web Development 1 → NEW for 2022/23

PCEF Donor-Funded STEM/CTE Programs 2021/22:  

  • CTE Supplies
  • Robotics Program
  • Plants and Photosynthesis 
  • Special Education Coffee Cart
  • Construction Technology Course at TMJH →  NEW: READ MORE! 


PCEF Donor-Funded STEM/CTE Programs 2021/22:  

  • PCCAPS Program (Park City Center for Advanced Professional Studies)
  • CTE Hardware & Software  
  • CTE Industry Credentials & Certifications 
  • CTE Culinary Arts Programming & Materials 
  • CTE Field Trips 
  • CTE Adult Learner Scholarships 
  • Robotics Program 
  • Special Education Functional Money & Cooking Skills

Computer Science | Engineering | CTE Instruction 

9th - 12th:

  • Engineering Principles
  • Exploring Computer Science → NEW for 22/23
  • Computer Programming 1 → NEW for 9th in 22/23
  • Web Development 1 → NEW for 9th in 22/23
  • Robotics Technology → NEW for 9th in 22/23
  • Mechanical Design 1 and 2
  • Internship

10th – 12th:

  • AP Computer Science Principles
  • AP Computer Science A
  • Web Development 2 
  • Computer Programming 1
  • Computer Programming 2 
  • PCCAPS App and Technology Solutions
  • Robotics 1 → NEW in 22/23
  • Internship

CTE Pathways

  • Architecture & Construction Arts
    • Construction Management 2 → NEW for 22/23
  • Audio/Visual Technology & Communications
  • Business, Finance, & Marketing
  • Computer Science & Information Technology
  • Education & Training
    • Teaching as a Profession 1 → NEW for 22/23
  • Engineering & Technology
  • Health Science
  • Hospitality & Tourism
  • Human Services
  • Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics 
    • Drone Aviation → NEW for 22/23
    • Private Pilot Training → NEW for 22/23

PCCAPS | 11th & 12th

  • Business Solutions
  • App and Technology Solutions
  • Digital Design
  • Architecture and Engineering
  • Teacher as a Profession
  • Health and Medicine

College-bound. Career-bound. A mix of both. CTE, STEM, and PCCAPS classes are geared toward each and every combination. The coursework is often intertwined, as the learning and real-world experience build upon each other. 

CTE, STEM, and PCCAPS also align with Park City Education Foundation’s mission: to fund initiatives that inspire all Park City students to successfully reach their academic and lifelong potential. 

For ten years, PCEF donors have supported PCCAPS, where students work with real clients on real projects with real deadlines (read one PCCAPS student’s story HERE!).

Now, as work on the new CTE facility begins, PCEF is exploring ways to fund the needs of the expanded programming.

If you’d like to support these efforts, we invite you to donate here. 

Your Impact This Year

  • Students Reached


  • Invested in Our Schools


  • % Parents Giving 2022/23


  • Programs Funded


  • Ascent Fund
    Ascent Fund
  • Beard Charitable Foundation
    Beard Charitable Foundation
  • Byrne Family Foundation Trust
    Byrne Family Foundation Trust
  • Dan & Terese Heintzelman Family Foundation
    Dan & Terese Heintzelman Family Foundation
  • Garen Family Foundation
    Garen Family Foundation
  • Lewis Family Foundation
    Lewis Family Foundation

    Lewis Family Foundation

  • Kelsi and John Mellor
    Kelsi and John Mellor
  • Montage Deer Valley
    Montage Deer Valley
  • Park City Mountain Resort
    Park City Mountain Resort
  • Park City Municipal
    Park City Municipal
  • Parker Family Charitable Fund
    Parker Family Charitable Fund
  • Tatiana and Matthew Prince
    Tatiana and Matthew Prince
  • The Efrusy Family Foundation
    The Efrusy Family Foundation
  • United Way of SLC
    United Way of SLC
  • Zions Bank
    Zions Bank
  • Anonymous
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