If you missed our Redefining Success in the Age of COVID webinar, hosted by PCEF and Communities that Care, we have provided the recording and many resources for you. We hope you'll feel it was as inspirational and helpful as we did.
Here are PCEF's key takeaways from the presentation in regards to our kids:
Deeply listen to our kids, be fully present - like a clean slate. "The science shows that the nervous system relaxes, the frontal cortex kicks in, and kids solve their own problems.” A present, empathic listener immediately calms the nervous system.
Accept what our kids say and avoid the urge to solve their problem immediately. Our kids, with a deep listener, will often solve their own problems. “Their own innate wisdom will rise in time.”
Suffering and failure are a part of the human experience. We can use these opportunities to help our kids learn resilience and to overcome adversity.
For our teachers:
Hold space and grace for our teachers. As one teacher wrote to us, “I've encountered negative critiques of the way I'm teaching and the assignments I've posted on Canvas. It is demoralizing. No one is more aware than I am that my practice isn't up to my usual standards. I literally cannot engage in the structures and routines that I usually do because covid mitigation and significantly reduced prep time render "the usual" impossible.”
Small gestures of gratitude mean the world to our teachers.
Ask your child’s teachers how you can help.
Learn more or contribute to the PCEF Educator Wellness Initiative.
Below are links to the recording as well as resources and information on our panelists and presenting organizations.
At PCEF, we are dedicated to changing the equation, ensuring that our students and teachers thrive, regardless of current circumstance. Communities that Care works to bring our community together to cultivate health and wellbeing for our youth and families. Please reach out to either of our organizations any time.
Redefining Success Webinar Recording
For more information on our panelists:
Dr. Brad Reedy, Evoke Therapy
Podcast: Listen on iTunes & Soundcloud
Dr. Brad Reedy’s books from his Book Page
Jennifer Mulholland, Plenty
Podcast: Plenty For Everyone
Guided Meditation (best if opened on Chrome)
Sam Walsh, Park City High School Counseling Department
Keep in touch with the presenting organizations and PCSD:
Park City Education Foundation
Facebook @PCEF1986
Instagram @PCEF4kids
Communities That Care
Facebook @CTCSummitCounty
For PCSD questions:
Anna Stampfli, PCSD Parent Education and Community Engagement Coordinator
435.645.5600 ext 1445
Cell phone: 385.341.0144