Want to be inspired, feel hope for the future, and realize your impact on our students? Please watch this recording from our Virtual Student Showcase on December 2nd! These students were astonishing in their passion, intelligence, warmth, and innate wisdom.
One comment we received; “I had no idea about the breadth of opportunity for students in our community! I promise I do not live under a rock but wow, so impressive.”
A critical factor ensuring the ‘breadth of opportunity’ in our schools is your support. It is because of your gifts that programs like Bright Futures, Debate, Film, Latinos in Action, PCCAPS, Robotics and more, can flourish.
We would like to give a big shout out to PCHS senior and film student Drew Neff, who put this panel together.
If you would like to learn more about these programs, mentoring and volunteering opportunities, and links to student success, see below.
Your gifts change the equation, and make an immediate and lasting impact on our students. Thank you!
Bright Futures (Sheccid Villanueva svillanueva21@pcstudents.us, also in student council and cheerleading)
Reach out for mentoring or volunteer opportunities to Sheccid or Program Manager Jen O'Brien jobrien@pcschools.us
Debate (Max O'Reilly moreilly21@pcstudents.us also in Choir)
Judges are needed for practice and competitive virtual events. Experience not necessary! Interested? Reach out to Max or coach Anna Williams at awilliams@pcschools.us
Film (Drew Neff dneff21@pcstudents.us also plays tennis, PCEF Student Board member)
Last year's Miner Film Festival Link
2021 Miner Film Festival TBD in May 2021
Latinos in Action (Roxy Venegas rvenegas21@pcstudents.us, also in the Certified Nursing Assistant program)
Reach out for translation or volunteer needs to Roxy Venegas/President or teacher Anna Williams at awilliams@pcschools.us
PCCAPS (Business Solutions strand represented by Lauren Allen laallen22@pcstudents.us and Emily Bronstein ebronstein22@pcstudents.us. Tech strand represented by Ben Diamond bdiamond21@pcstudents.us)
December 11th and 15th 1st semester projects will be presented, recorded, and winners will be uploaded to PCCAPS website: parkcitycaps.com
Robotics (Ryan Su rsu22@pcstudents.us)
Website: pchsrobotics.org
Coach: Sheri Prucka at sprucka@prucka.com
May need volunteers for February 12th - 13th event at PCHS. Volunteer training link: FIRST Tech Volunteer
List of Additional PCHS Clubs/Activities