To the Park City community,
We met the final week of school this year with heavy hearts. We continue to embrace our own children tightly as we grieve the young students and treasured teachers lost tragically in Texas. It feels so hard to look forward when we have so many questions.
The need to re-establish a sense of security and a bit of normalcy after an act of violence is strong, and the National Association of School Psychologists says families and school personnel play a critical role in doing so.
For their resources and advice on how to talk to your kids please click here.
As I look for solutions in these extremely challenging times, I renew my commitment to support our students here in Park City. I hope you will join me.
First, we hold space to celebrate their incredible accomplishments.
The Park City High School Class of 2022, graduating this week, has persevered through a global pandemic, political and societal upheaval, war, and extreme weather – including a wildfire that postponed the start of this school year! – to name just a few things.
Our graduating seniors inherit a tumultuous world. They’ll hone skills and talents in colleges and universities across the country: from Dartmouth to University of Utah and MIT to the University of Hawaii. These young adults also join the workforce - with skills and credentials they’ve earned in Park City High School’s robust Career and Technical Education programs.
I look forward to following all of our graduates and cheering them on along the way. I hope you will join me in doing the same!
So much of our community’s strength lies in the relationships we build and the pride we have in our shared successes. As the CEO of Park City Education Foundation, I have met, talked with, and been inspired by many Park City High School graduates. Every single one is impressive; each with a unique journey behind them and an unequaled future ahead.
We can all feel proud that Park City has given them the tools to build an invaluable compass: it is no hyperbole to say Park City launches well prepared, curiosity-driven, creatively-inspired citizens of the world.
As we continue to navigate current challenges, Park City Education Foundation is preparing to launch two additional pillars of critical support.
PCEF’s new key initiatives are:
1) Educator and Student Wellness
2) Real World Learning: Putting STEAM to Work
This highly intentional focus on wellness and real-world learning will bring additional support and resources to our classrooms and schools. I look forward to talking with you about these pillars in the coming months.
I give my sincere gratitude to every teacher, student, parent, grandparent, guardian, and community member who lifts up children through education. Together, let us continue to celebrate our students and support them on their journey. I - along with the PCEF team - am grateful to share this space with you.
Abby McNulty
President and CEO, PCEF
June 1, 2022