Welcome to PCEF's first-ever Virtual Visit! The first program to be highlighted is the Elementary Afterschool Initiative, where you will hear from Michelle Coy, Afterschool Program Manager; Jill Kopish, Afterschool STEM Instructor; and Bob Edmiston, McPolin Elementary Principal.
There are 239 students in Afterschool, and 15 in the Before School pilot program. There are still spots available for Before School, which was funded by a Classroom Grant.
The Afterschool Initiative follows a 40/60 model, with 40% of student time allocated to academic support and 60% dedicated to enrichment.
Enrichment programming includes:
- Mindfulness, emotional intelligence, self-awareness
- Team & esteem building
- Physical fitness, nutrition, & healthy lifestyles|
- Music, dance, art, & theatre
- Family engagement
- Career readiness
- Character traits
- Multicultural education
- Community service & engagement
After attending a quality afterschool program:
- 69% of students improve their homework completion and class participation.
- 62% of students improve their behavior in class.
- 1 out of 2 students improve their math and reading scores.
- 70% of students in afterschool with a STEM component express more interest and knowledge about careers in science.
- build essential skills, such as perseverance and critical thinking.
Students who regularly participate in quality afterschool programs:
- Develop strong social skills.
- Are excited about learning.
- Improve work habits and grades.
- Improve school day attendance.
- Have higher graduation rates.
- Explore career paths and gain workforce skills.
Over the last 7 years, thanks to donor support, PCEF's Afterschool Initiative has helped approximately 2500 kids.
The state of Utah ranks last in the country for per-pupil funding, and 96% of Park City's state-collected education tax dollars go to other school districts. Our schools don’t have the money they need for programs that district families have come to depend upon. In an effort to bridge the gap, PCEF funds 8 key initiatives.
We fund eight key initiatives to inspire all Park City students to successfully reach their academic and lifelong potential. Within the eight initiatives, there are more than a hundred programs that have an impact on every single one of the 5,000 PCSD students.
- Preschool
- EVA: Elementary Visual Arts
- Afterschool: K- 9th grade
- STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
- PCCAPS: Park City Center for Advanced Professional Studies for PCHS juniors and seniors
- Bright Futures Park City: First-generation college coaching program
- Classroom and Express Grants: With vision, diligence, and adaptability, we invest in Classroom Grants that support academic success, the whole child, and innovation. Our Emergency Express Grants program funds immediate in-person and online learning needs.
- Innovation Lab: Student and Teacher voice in education
The impacts of the pandemic mean there are additional needs for our teachers and students. Thanks to donors, the Park City Education Foundation funds programs to ensure Park City students thrive, regardless of present challenges. We invite you to donate here.