At a Glance:
- PCEF funds and supports educator-powered initiatives to inspire ALL students to reach their academic & lifelong potential.
- We support students ages 3 to 23 - with benefits that last a lifetime.
- PCEF funds $1.5 million+ each year to support PCSD students & educators.
The ABC's of PCEF with Abby McNulty
The non-profit Park City Education Foundation, also referred to as PCEF, raises MILLIONS of dollars to fund initiatives for Park City School District students and educators.
Each year, PCEF works to fill huge gaps in federal and state funding - and provides more than one-point-five million dollars annually to make sure our students have the opportunities and skills to become tomorrow’s innovators, contributors, and leaders.
In order to achieve these goals, our schools and educators must constantly evolve. PCEF supports this growth by funneling money into classrooms through innovative programming – and all of it in coordination with our schools’ leadership.
Because PCEF provides so much seed funding for creative, cutting-edge initiatives, education dollars from taxpayers - so few to begin with! - are protected and maximized.
That’s because, while many of these creative learning efforts take off, they are also given the gift of failure. As is so often the case in life, when a program experiences a so-called “failure,” it often provides tremendous advancements and even better opportunities for future learning.
PCEF funds and supports educator-powered initiatives to inspire ALL Park City students to reach their academic and lifelong potential.
Park City is the wealthiest micropolitan area in the nation - so why do our schools need money?
96% of state-collected tax dollars leave our town to even things out for other districts around the state. Add to this that the state of Utah allocates the lowest amount of funds to our students in the entire nation. Utah also ranks last in federal funding per pupil.
We invest in the Park City School District because excellent public schools are essential for a great community. And it costs a lot of money to create, maintain, and propel excellent public schools into the future.
PCEF’s investments are made in eight key areas - called Signature Initiatives - including two BRAND-NEW initiatives for the 2022/23 school year.
Educator and Student Wellness: Wellness is an Essential Subject.
- The pandemic showed us it's to support educators + students -- beyond pure academics.
- We are investing in programs to promote mental wellness for our educators, who’ve been on the frontlines; and for our students who’ve suffered more anxiety and stress than ever before.
- The result: educators and students become equipped with resilience & resources when these tools are needed more than ever -- in the classroom and beyond.
Join PCEF for its first-ever PCEF Educator + Student Wellness Speaker Series event.
Dr. Michael Thompson's "Are the Kids Alright?" event is happening August 24th - and is free for the community to attend.
Real World Learning: Putting STEAM to Work.
- Two powerhouse initiatives: STEM and Park City Center for Advanced Professional Studies (PCCAPS) combine.
- Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Art are added.
- The result: students are ready for the real world!
These initiatives join six others:
- Preschool → Raise the odds of success. Lower the cost of preschool.
- Elementary Visual Arts (EVA) → Keep art in the picture.
- Afterschool → High-quality afterschool programs that work for working parents.
- Bright Futures → College coaching to support first-generation students as they earn a college degree.
- Classroom & Express Grants → Grants to empower our teachers.
- Innovation Lab → Giving our excellent educators a voice.
Through the 8 Signature Initiatives listed above, PCEF supports countless enrichment opportunities for our students, which go the distance to ensure PCSD’s status as a top district in Utah - and across the nation.
PCEF funds & supports educator-powered initiatives to inspire ALL Park City students to reach their academic and lifelong potential. To do this, our schools and educators must constantly evolve. PCEF supports that by funding educator ideas, programs, and initiatives that have big impacts on every single Park City student.
PCEF impacts students ages 3 to 23: from our Preschool Initiative all the way through college graduation with Bright Futures - and every year in between.
Half of tomorrow’s jobs don’t even exist yet – but the skills to succeed in them do. All of PCEF’s Initiatives are structured to prepare our students for a dynamic new world filled with exciting changes and new challenges; ones we can’t even yet imagine. And while we have no idea what Park City grads’ paths will look like - we can be confident they’ll be able successfully navigate it equipped with the compass PCEF provides.
Your support of PCEF ensures our schools remain excellent and
creates prosperity and stability for our community and our students:
today, tomorrow, and for generations to come.
We invite you to contribute here.