In an effort to provide a suite of wellness support options for exhausted Park City School District educators, Park City Education Foundation has established the Educator Wellness Initiative.
The goal of the fund is to provide wellness programs for Park City School District Educators, from things like yoga classes and food to outdoor activities and mindfulness training.
“To learn more about current educator stress and how we can best help, we conducted an extensive Wellness Survey,” said PCEF Executive Director Abby McNulty. “The number one request we got back that we could provide immediately was - food trucks at school.”
The Educator Wellness Initiative debuted on Wednesday, November 4, as part of the Park City Community Foundation’s Live PC Give PC effort. PCEF raised over $7,500, thanks to a $2,500 match from The Promontory Foundation.
PCEF immediately used the money to hire the Lucky Ones Coffee Camper to make a tour of all PCSD schools and the district office. From November 20th through December 1st, the coffee camper provided a welcome respite for over 600 educators. (Photo links at the bottom.)
Educators appreciated the gesture!
"It's why I came to work today! Such a needed 'pick me up' for teachers & staff. Thank you!!!"
"Thanks for the coffee camper visit. What a cool way to make teachers happy and support a local business."
"Thank you so much for the Lucky Ones coffee and treats today. I can't tell you what a difference that gesture has made in my day. An extra caffeine boost, a warm cup in my hand that someone else thought to put there...I'm so grateful. Thank you so much."
Donate to the Educator Wellness Initiative
“A hot drink and a treat for our educators was just one way we could support our educators immediately,” says PCEF Board President Ben Rifkin. “It is just the first step, however, in the Educator Wellness Initiative effort. We continue to look to our community to generously donate so we may provide additional wellness supports.
PCEF is working with community organizations and businesses to offer discounts, programming, and gestures to recognize all that PCSD educators are doing to keep students safe and learning.
“The 2020-21 school year has school faculty and staff charged with pandemic health and safety protocols in addition to student instruction,” said McNulty. “We know that our PCSD community is experiencing fatigue, stress, fear, and anxiety, and PCEF wants to help our amazing educators access additional support for their own health and wellness.”
We want to recognize and express sincere gratitude for our educators during this challenging time AND we want to help in the most meaningful ways possible. If you have a service or activity to offer, please reach out to Kara Cody at kcody@pcschools.us
Please give to the Educator Wellness Initiative