Running with Ed 2023 hits the starting line May 20, 2023.
What you need to know for #RWE23:
- April 1 - May 5th → Regular Registration = $125/person
Price jumps by $75 per person May 6!
- May 5th → MUST be registered for your school's participation credit!
- May 6 - 18th → Last Chance Registration = $200/person
- May 19th → Packet Pickup at Ecker Hill Middle School
- May 20th → Running with Ed begins at Basin Rec Field House
- Students & other educators → $50 Registration Fee
ALL PCSD employees run for free thanks to the Excellent Educator Program, sponsored by the Doilney and Louis families!
Register. Donate. Run!
PCEF’s Running with Ed is presented by
Event Network, Park City Mountain, and Vail Resorts | EpicPromise
#PCEF4Kids | #RWE23