“I’m a first-gen college graduate and a first-generation American! My parents came [to Park City] to give me a better life. Before I was even born, they had this goal for me.”
- Isaac Cortés, Westminster College, May 2023 | PCHS 2019
Millions of people visit our famous mountain town of Park City each year. It’s among the wealthiest micropolitan areas in the nation. Park City is also home to thousands of families who work to ensure the community (and its tourism/hospitality industry) - thrives.
“There was a time when I felt college was not a realistic option for me. It feels so powerful to achieve this as a first-generation student!” I know [Bright Futures] will be there for me every step of the way. It takes away a lot of the fear and anxiety. My family and I are so thankful for the support from Bright Futures.”
-Perla Garcia, Westminster College → Expected Graduation: 2025 (PCHS 2021)
After a full year of research and development, Park City Education Foundation (PCEF) launched Bright Futures nine years ago (2015/2016). The initiative is part of its work to help eliminate barriers to participation and mitigate the structural inequity challenges Park City’s first-generation students battle to get to and through college. Bright Futures provides at least seven years of support for first-gen students. This includes a college-readiness curriculum, individualized coaching, peer support, and financial guidance/assistance from 10th grade through college graduation.
Bright Futures Park City changes lives. There are 160 current BF students - and 10 college graduates. These first-generation students are next-generation leaders. Here's a glimpse at BF’s positive impact - in a few students’ own words.
- “Walking across the stage to collect my college diploma was so exciting I almost blacked out. I couldn’t believe it was happening.” - Argelia Nava, Utah State University, May 2024 | PCHS 2020
- “It wasn’t until high school that I realized my mom and I didn’t have enough money to make college work. I started losing hope of a college degree. I’m so grateful I learned about Bright Futures before it was too late. The financial support has been amazing, but the confidence and motivation to work hard in school was the biggest game-changer for me.” - Gracie Burnam, Utah State University, May 2024 | PCHS 2020
- "I never truly realized how fortunate I was to attend a school like PCHS. As a senior I sometimes found myself complaining about school without recognizing how great the support system was that had been set up for me and many of my peers…While I did not always align or agree with everything about the Bright Futures program, it was a very important part of my journey. The support and readiness I was given… was crucial.”
- Sadie Ortiz, University of Utah, May 2024 | PCHS 2019
- “Trust me when I say that if you join Bright Futures and work to stay in the program you will achieve anything you set your mind to. Bright Futures has taught me so much. Without them, I wouldn't even know where to start. But while the BF program does help - it’s really up to you to act.”
- Jose Hernandez, University Of Utah Honors College → BioMedical Engineering (PCHS 2023)
- “When I talk about going to college, my mom worries. She always wants me to feel safe and included. I talked with my parents about Jose Hernandez, and read them parts of his story. Jose is someone I look up to. And Bright Futures and Dream Big always include our parents – so they feel better about us going to college, they see those ahead of us succeeding in college.” - Brian Rea, PCHS Class of 2025
- “I have been part of Bright Futures since my sophomore year and I can vouch that it’s an amazing program that has always been there for me and supported me throughout every step of my college journey. Thank you to everyone for believing in me and my dreams.”
- Alexis Montalvo, University of Utah Honors College, May 2024 | PCHS 2020
- “Bright Futures has been a big support system for me. They’ve helped me graduate high school and now I get to graduate college, too. As a first-generation student, I appreciate all the guidance they gave me.”
- Evelyn Chautla, Westminster College, May 2024 | PCHS 2020
- “I am beyond grateful to be part of an exceptional program that values students' success. I have nothing but good things to say about the Bright Futures program. The program is very inclusive and being surrounded with mentors, and students helped encourage me to continue to seek higher education. The program has also helped me develop meaningful relationships.” - Gio Peña, Weber State, May 2024 | PCHS 2020
- “Where I am right now is because of Bright Futures. Learning about deadlines, scholarships, budgeting, basic needs, what to worry about, and what not to worry about; Bright Futures was clear they were here to support me. And – everyone I went to that first Bright Futures meeting with is now in college.”
- Siclali Garcia, Utah State University’s Jon M. Huntsman School of Business | Expected Graduation: 2025 (PCHS 2021)
- “Before Bright Futures, I had no intention of enrolling in college because of how expensive it is. The Bright Futures Summer Academy helped me look at college as something important. The statistics they provided helped me change my perspective on college. They helped me realize that people with a college degree tend to make 1 million dollars more [in lifetime earnings] than those without.”
- Edwin Ramos, Utah Valley University → Aviation | PCHS 2022
- “I love how Bright Futures gives first-generation students hope. They aren't going to give up on you and will be there for you no matter what. They really care about getting to know you, the real you. You build a connection that you don't really get with many people. They will listen to you and help you reach YOUR goals.”
- Estelle Menenes, Westminster College → Nursing | PCHS 2022
- “I don’t know what I would do without Bright Futures: I would honestly be lost. In college, I look forward to the same level of support - I know I can talk to them about anything, and they will help me figure it out. It’s so good to know you have a little bit of a safety net under you.”
- Jessica Hinojos, University of Utah → Justice Studies | PCHS 2022
Click here to donate to Bright Futures Park City during Live PC / Give PC this year. When you support our first-generation college students, you create…
Bright Futures students continue to achieve unprecedented success.
- 98% matriculation rate straight from high school → compare this to the 52% nationwide average for first-generation students battling income inequality.
- 83% of college students are progressing toward graduation → 11% nationwide college graduation rate.
- 53 college students receive the annual Bright Futures scholarship → students must maintain a 2.5 college GPA to qualify.
When the hard-working first-gen students of Bright Futures accomplish their college dreams, they benefit, their families benefit, and the entire Park City community benefits -- in too many ways to count.
Thank you for your support!