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Several specifics about the evolution of PCEF’s Bright Futures Park City program: how it will expand and streamline access, and why these adjustments will positively impact many more of Park City’s first-generation college students in their work to make education dreams come true!

Varios detalles sobre la evolución del programa Futuros Brillantes de la Fundación Educativa de Park City (PCEF): ¡cómo ampliará y agilizará el acceso, y por qué estos ajustes tendrán un impacto positivo en muchos más estudiantes universitarios de primera generación de Park City en su trabajo para hacer realidad sus sueños educativos!

This year, 11 Bright Futures Park City students are on track to achieve their dreams of college graduation! Park City Education Foundation honors the hard work it took for these hard-working first-generation students to get to this point - and celebrates this incredible achievement.

!Este año, 11 estudiantes del programa Futuros Brillantes de Park City (todos graduados de la escuela secundaria Park City están en camino de lograr su sueño de graduarse en la universidad. La Fundación para la Educación de Park City rinde homenaje al arduo trabajo que han realizado estos estudiantes de primera generación para llegar hasta aquí, ¡y celebra este increíble logro!

The Loya family says PCEF has had a big impact on them: Jessica is a Bright Futures student (PCHS 2024) who started in Preschool at McPolin Elementary School - where her little sister Ivanka goes to school now!

Next year, more kids will get that chance, as seats for students increase from 164 to more than 288, boosting access and opportunities for local families.

La familia Loya dice que la Fundación Educativa de Park City (PCEF) ha tenido un gran impacto en ellos: Jessica es una estudiante del programa Futuros Brillantes (Escuela Secundaria Park City (PCHS) 2024) que empezó en Preescolar en la escuela primaria McPolin Elementary - ¡donde su hermanita Ivanka va a la escuela ahora!

El año que viene, más niños tendrán esa oportunidad, ya que las plazas para estudiantes aumentarán de 156 a más de 288, impulsando el acceso y las oportunidades para las familias locales.

Lindsay Carreto, a first-generation college graduate & BF alumna, expands her impact on the Park City community.

Graduada Universitaria de Primera Generación y Alumna del Programa Futuros Brillantes Expande su Impacto en la Comunidad de Park City

Bright Futures Park City changes lives! Your support of BF during Live/Give ensures these first-generation students have the tools they need to become the next generation of leaders.

¡El Programa Futuros Brillantes de Park City cambia vidas! Su apoyo a el programa durante el evento de recaudación de fondos Live/Give [En Vivo/Dona] garantiza que estos estudiantes de primera generación tengan las herramientas que necesitan para convertirse en la próxima generación de líderes.

Two Bright Futures Park City women begin college knowing they've earned enough scholarship money to fully fund four years of classes. • As the number of BF students increases, the initiative's success rate remains astoundingly high. • How YOU can help Build the Foundation for BF and PCEF this year. ❤️

A current look at Bright Futures students by the numbers.

“It’s because of the community I grew up in. There are so many who have so much in Park City… Anywhere you go in this community you can find the people who want to do more, who are looking to help others. Once I’m in that place to be able to help, and as I get there, I want to do more. These programs are so valuable because I have been helped and now I want to help, too." - Jessica Loya | Bright Futures Student at The U

La graduada de Park City High School 2024 y estudiante de Bright Futures se fija objetivos, elabora un plan para alcanzarlos y logra cada paso en rápida sucesión. ¿La prueba? Jessica obtuvo tantas becas que sus cuatro años en la Universidad de Utah están totalmente financiados.

¡Año 9 del Programa Bright Futures de Park City!

Lo que sigue para la Clase del 2024 de la PCHS/Futuros Brillantes - en sus propias palabras...

Congratulations, PCHS Class of 2024. Hear from PCHS Class of 2024 graduate, Katy Muñoz. See what's next for 2024 college graduate, Argelia Nava, and 6 more BF grads as the post-college journey begins.

"Recomiendo al 100% el programa Futuros Brillantes- no le dejarán colgado. Están pendientes de ti. Te sientes cuidado y te sientes VISTO" - Argelia Nava, Universidad Estatal de Utah Clase del 2024 | PCHS 2020 |Futuros Brillantes Park City

"Cuando me uní al programa Futuros Brillantes, mi mentalidad negativa cambió y por fin sentí que tenía un futuro que me ilusionaba. El programa me ayudó a seguir un sentido de dirección a la vez que me hacía responsable de creer en mí misma. También me dio la esperanza de que, como estudiante de primera generación, encontraría el éxito e iría a la universidad sin importar los obstáculos." -- Gracie Burnam, Universidad Estatal de Utah, mayo del 2024 | PCHS 2020

"When I joined BF, my negative mindset changed and I finally felt like I had a future I looked forward to. Bright Futures helped me follow a sense of direction while holding me accountable to believe in myself. Bright Futures gave me hope that as a first-generation student, I would find success and go to college no matter the obstacles." - Gracie Burnam → Utah State University, May 2024 | PCHS 2020

“I 100% recommend Bright Futures – they won’t leave you hanging. They check in on you. You feel cared for and you feel SEEN.” - Argelia Nava, Utah State University Class of 2024 | PCHS 2020 | Bright Futures Park City

What's next for the PCHS/Bright Futures Class of 2024 - in their own words...

An update from Bright Futures student, Siclali Garcia. PCEF hires two new Bright Futures team members. Plus, a closer look at Bright Futures by the numbers.

Siclali Garcia, a PCHS grad and current Bright Futures college student, talks the talk AND walks the walk - while casually dropping priceless gems of advice gleaned from her hard work.

Tina Goette will be BF Program Director and Valeria Sandoval is the new College Program Manager. Tina and Valeria’s expertise will be invaluable to the students in Bright Futures, one of PCEF’s 8 Signature Initiatives.

¡La Park City Education Foundation se complace en dar la bienvenida a dos nuevos miembros del equipo del programa Bright Futures!

Tina Goette toma el mando como Directora del Programa Bright Futures y Valeria Sandoval ya se ha puesto manos a la obra como nueva Directora del Programa Universitario. La experiencia de Tina y Valeria será inestimable para los estudiantes del programa, una de las 8 iniciativas emblemáticas de la fundación.

La brújula interior de Siclali García la guía para trabajar mucho.

La estudiante del programa Bright Futures de la escuela secundaria Park City está en la Lista del Decano de la Universidad Estatal de Utah, donde asiste a la Escuela de Negocios Jon M. Huntsman. Está en camino de graduarse en el 2025 con una doble especialización en contabilidad y finanzas. Como si eso no fuera suficiente para mantenerla ocupada...

Como dice José, " El programa Sueña en Grande nos lleva a la universidad, El programa Futuros Brillantes nos lleva a través de la universidad. Cada uno de ellos es una comunidad que se une para formar una comunidad aún mayor. Gracias al programa Futuros Brillantes puedo seguir soñando y convertir las esperanzas en realidad durante mis años universitarios."

Support Bright Futures through Live PC Give PC. A continuous circle of support for Bright Futures – help Park City's first-gen students know there's a place for them.

Learn why Jose Bello says, “If you join Bright Futures and you work to stay in the program you will achieve anything you set your mind to. Thanks to Bright Futures, I can continue to dream and turn hopes into reality during my college years.”

Bright Futures college student Miguel Morales doesn't like to talk about himself. In fact, it's only after a barrage of deflections about perceived stumbles that, for those who pay attention, Miguel’s successes start to surface...

Miguel Morales, estudiante de 22 años del programa Futuros Brillantes, empieza con una lista desarmante de sus tropiezos.

Solo después de un aluvión de evasivas -admite abiertamente que no le gusta hablar de sí mismo-, empiezan a aflorar, para quienes prestan atención, los éxitos de Miguel.

What is Bright Futures? Summer learning is the first step for Park City's first-gen students.

El año escolar 2023/2024 marca el octavo año de la iniciativa del programa Futuros Brillantes de la Fundación Educativa de Park City. He aquí un resumen del programa en cifras.

PCEF's Bright Futures Park City initiative has an astounding success rate - take a look at the numbers!

“Dream Big gets us to college, Bright Futures gets us through college. They’re each a community that comes together to form an even bigger community.” - Jose Hernandez-Bello PCHS Class of 2023

"El programa Sueña en Grande nos lleva a la universidad, el programa Futuros Brillantes nos lleva a la
universidad. Cada uno es una comunidad que se une para formar una comunidad aún mayor". - José
Hernández-Bello Clase del 2023 de la PCHS.

Su historia es la representación de por qué existe el programa Futuros Brillantes:
Proporcionar un ciclo de oportunidades y apoyo para influir positivamente en los estudiantes de la
primera generación - y en la comunidad de Park City - durante las generaciones venideras.

Lindsay Carreto's story is the embodiment of why Bright Futures exists: to provide a cycle of opportunity and support to positively impact first-generation students - and the Park City community - for generations to come. And it all starts with Summer Academy and Dream Big!

Desde 1978, el Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos ha permitido a las universidades
utilizar la discriminación positiva como herramienta para aumentar la diversidad racial. Sin
embargo, el 29 de junio del 2023 el tribunal rechazó la acción afirmativa en las universidades
de Estados Unidos. Reconocemos lo devastadora que es esta decisión, pero las respuestas de
las universidades locales han venido reafirmando que la diversidad en los campus sigue siendo
una prioridad.

Since 1978, the U.S. Supreme Court has allowed universities to use Affirmative Action as a tool to increase racial diversity. However, on June 29, 2023 the court rejected affirmative action at U.S. colleges and universities. We recognize how devastating this decision is, but the responses from local colleges and universities have been reaffirming that diversity on campus is still a priority.

Los estudiantes del programa Sueña en Grande [Dream Big] ven esta frase en la pizarra mientras entran en un salón de clases en un luminoso y hermoso día de verano. 70 estudiantes de 10mo, 11vo y 12vo grado de la Escuela Secundaria de Park City se esfuerzan en los salones de clases para asegurarse de que la luz del día ilumine su sueño de convertirse en los primeros de sus familias en llegar a la universidad y terminarla.

PCHS teacher Mel Moffat had big dreams for her first-generation students - and created a program that is getting them to college. Dream Big started with 18 students in 2016, and has grown to 80+ today. It's the academic engine for the Bright Futures program, giving kids the tools to succeed in AP and concurrent enrollment classes at PCHS.

La Fundación Educativa de Park City le da la bienvenida a Lindsay Carreto a su personal con mucho gusto como la Coordinadora del Programa Futuros Brillantes de la Escuela Secundaria. Lindsay es graduada de la Escuela Secundaria de Park City (PCHS, por sus siglas en inglés) generación del 2020, Presidenta de Latinos En Acción (LIA, por sus siglas en inglés) de la PCHS en el 2020, graduada de la Universidad Estatal de Utah en el 2023 y una orgullosa exalumna del programa Futuros Brillantes de la PCEF. Ella estaba entre muchos solicitantes calificados y fue elegida por su experiencia, liderazgo y devoción para ayudar a estudiantes de primera generación a llegar a la universidad.

It is with great pleasure that the Park City Education Foundation welcomes Lindsay Carreto to their staff as the Bright Futures High School Program Coordinator. Lindsay is a 2020 PCHS graduate, a 2020 PCHS Latinos In Action (LIA) President, a 2023 Utah State University graduate, and a proud alumni of the PCEF Bright Futures program.

24 first-generation Park City High School students will graduate this year - with a big list of accomplishments already achieved!

They are college-ready, thanks to PCHS programs Dream Big and Latinos in Action, critical partners to Bright Futures, and every single one has plans to participate in post-secondary education, whether it’s college or career training.  

Dream Big and Latinos in Action are critical partners for Bright Futures Park City. Many BF students participate in all three programs, which all walk alongside motivated students and they prepare for, attend, and succeed in college.

Nearly 130 Bright Futures students are hard at work to accomplish their college dreams. Park City Education Foundation's BF program has an astonishing success rate. Take a look!

Two Bright Futures Park City students qualify as Utah Sterling Scholars - the first time ever!

This May, eight hard-working first-generation students – from the first and second cohorts of Park City Education Foundation’s Bright Futures Park City initiative – will graduate from college!

Argelia and Anayeli Nava are the first two in their family to attend college - on the same campus! The sisters are together now, but they will soon have to navigate how to stay close from a distance.

Isaac Cortés and Lindsay Carreto are preparing to become the very first in their families to graduate from college. How they made it this far, what they plan to do next, and why they both want to give back to Bright Futures Park City.

Three Bright Futures students discuss the PCEF Signature Initiative, their dream internships, and how BF has already changed their lives.

Seven Bright Futures Park City students are poised to become the first in their families to earn a college diploma. How PCEF and the BF college coaching program has prepared them to step into a future we can't begin to imagine.

“I learned that there is a place for me in science. I may not look like a scientist or feel like one but science is a big field and it's diverse. I have a place in science - and so does anyone who has that passion.” - Jose Hernandez, Bright Futures student, PCHS Class of 2023

There is a massive milestone on the way for Bright Futures Park City. The PCEF Signature Initiative is getting ready to celebrate in a HUGE way this May!

ALL 12 of the Bright Futures students graduating from PCHS in 2022 plan to attend college in the fall – and many of them have earned incredible scholarships to help relieve the financial burden.

Bright Futures students are succeeding at unprecedented rates; take a look at the unique strategies the BF team employs to maximize impact!

Bright Futures college student Siclali Garcia shares the key things she did to acclimate during her first (tough!) semester at USU.

Three award-winning programs support Park City's first-generation college students as they work to get to and through college.

As more Park City High School students join Bright Futures, the need for support grows, too! PCEF is happy to welcome the brand-new BF College Program Manager, Joana Acevedo, to the team!

Bright Futures students discuss the things they value most about being part of the initiative, along with some unexpected challenges they have overcome in the past couple of years!

One Bright Futures student explains the drive to get to - and through! - college.

Thanks to the connections provided by Bright Futures, opportunities for students like Melissa Cruz are revealed. Because donors keep Bright Futures going, Melissa can stay focused on finishing college and pursuing her dreams.

Bright Futures Park City works to empower first-generation, low-income students to – and through! – college; here's a rundown of how this year is shaping up for these incredible students!

Bright Futures Summer Academy Empowers Students To Get “To And Through” College

Meet Edwin Ramos, PCEF's first Bright Futures summer intern. He's powering a new effort at PCEF, with the potential to improve communication for hundreds of Park City families.

Community Support Ensures Joyful Move-In Day for Bright Futures Class of 2021. They're Ready to Start their Freshman Year!

Meet Perla Garcia

Meet Andrea Vazquez

Bright Futures helps students on many different college paths.

Bright Futures helps students stay focused on their college graduation goals.

On 12/8, hear from our collegians about what it’s like to be a first-generation student during COVID. Learn about the tools and strategies they are using to survive… and thrive in school.

This virtual event is free but registration is required.

The Bright Futures program is available to low-income, first-generation students. Students apply for the program in the spring semester of ninth grade.

Jessica, PCHS Class of 2022, is already making a difference for her community.

These first-generation Park City students start their college journey off right, thanks to donors.

Meet Bright Futures student and future engineer Vincente Flores.

Being diagnosed with dyslexia didn't stop Maetzi from pursuing her dreams

Sadie Ortiz, PCHS Class of 2019 and in the inaugural class of Bright Futures since she was a 10th grader, earns a true full-ride scholarship!

The COVID-19 crisis has thrown the Class of 2020 into uncharted territory, but these students are determined to follow their dreams of a college education.

The COVID-19 crisis underscores the urgency for Park City's Bright Futures students.

Lindsay, one of only 30 students chosen out of 700, receives full tuition and fees, up to four years!

PCHS Junior Ashley N keeps working toward her dream - in spite of COVID-19 challenges

How one PCEF program, Bright Futures, is helping Park City's first generation kids get to, and through, college

Your Impact This Year

  • Students Reached


  • Invested in Our Schools


  • % Parents Giving 2023/2024


  • Programs Funded


  • Alnoba Lewis Family Foundation
    Alnoba Lewis Family Foundation

    Alnoba Lewis Family Foundation

  • Ascent Fund
    Ascent Fund
  • Beard Charitable Foundation
    Beard Charitable Foundation
  • Byrne Family Foundation Trust
    Byrne Family Foundation Trust
  • Dan & Terese Heintzelman Family Foundation
    Dan & Terese Heintzelman Family Foundation
  • Garen Family Foundation
    Garen Family Foundation
  • Kelsi and John Mellor
    Kelsi and John Mellor
  • Montage Deer Valley
    Montage Deer Valley
  • Park City Mountain Resort
    Park City Mountain Resort
  • Park City Municipal
    Park City Municipal
  • Parker Family Charitable Fund
    Parker Family Charitable Fund
  • Tatiana and Matthew Prince
    Tatiana and Matthew Prince
  • The Efrusy Family Foundation
    The Efrusy Family Foundation
  • Zions Bank
    Zions Bank
  • Anonymous
© 2025 Park City Education Foundation

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