Of our 19 graduates from the Bright Futures Class of 2021, 85% will move away from home for the first time to live at college this fall. With 27 other continuing college students in the Bright Futures program, we’ve seen first hand how the financial burden of furnishing a college dorm room can complicate what should be a joyful time for these proud high school graduates and their families. For many low-income students, college move-in day can be stressful.
How exciting, then, to see the success of our annual “dorm basket drive” held in cooperation with PCHS teacher Melanie Moffatt and the Dream Big program. With generous contributions from the Park City Newcomers Club, the Park City Athenaeum Club and countless individual donors and friends of the program, we were able to provide dorm room supplies not only to our own Bright Futures students but to every first-generation college-bound student from the Park City High School Class of 2021. From pillows, to blankets, to power cords and shower caddies… our donors thought of everything needed to create a comfortable dorm experience. Even our “commuter students” were well cared for, with backpacks and gasoline gift cards provided to those who will live at home.
Graduating Senior Roxy Venegas summed up the gratitude felt by all in a recent email. “Seeing all those bags stuffed full to the brim with supplies was amazing. Our Bright Futures coach tells us that there are people in this community who want to see us succeed in college. Not only our PCHS teachers, but also donors and volunteers I haven’t ever met. I can see that proving to be true, with these dorm baskets and in so many other ways. It means so much to me and my mom.”
We are happy to know our Park City students will feel prepared for move-in day in August! Thank you to all who helped send our first-generation students of Park City off to college with confidence and style.