This Bright Futures Application Essay, written by a member of the Class of 2024, answers the question, “Why do you aspire to go to and graduate from college?”
We think it answers so much more than that. Enjoy!
That’s a hard question to answer when you don’t know who you are, much less what you want to be. Every time I get asked that question, I like to answer it this way: “What do you want to be in 5 years”, but as I said, it’s a hard question to answer, because when you realize what you want to be, something, or someone, changes it completely.
College has always been my biggest life goal ever since I learned the importance of it. For me it’s not just school, it’s a chapter in my life, a chapter I’m so desperate to get to.
In high school, you get to find yourself; your likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, and in college, you get to know yourself, the person you’ve found, and the person you’re still trying to become. College is about yourself, it’s about pursuing what you love and want to be, it’s not just another “boring place”, as people like to call it.
My parents are my true inspiration. They came here knowing all the risks so they could have a better future, and give the families they left behind a better life. They didn’t have the opportunities I do or the life I’m so grateful for. I know I don’t thank them enough, but they’ve given me more than what I deserve, and I want them to know all their hard work paid off, by them seeing me walk down my high school graduation, and eventually my college graduation. And when I do, I’m not just walking the stage for myself, I’m walking the stage they never did, I’m walking it for them.
I’m the oldest of a lot of children, and it’s a lot of pressure, but I enjoy it. I love to know that I’m gonna be the example and inspiration my younger siblings will follow. I want them to know it’s possible, and I want to make them proud. I know the road to college won’t be easy, and I don’t expect it to either. I like to challenge myself and push myself, because I know I’m able to do more than I’m given. And when I do get to college, it’s gonna be even harder, but I’m prepared and determined for all of it.
I want to pursue a career in the medical field, more specifically a pediatrician. When I say that, people say, “Oh you like to help people”. Yes, I love helping people, but it’s not all about that. It’s about the adrenaline rush you get when a new patient is waiting for your help. It’s about the heart-warming smiles the parents get when they know their child is happy and healthy. It’s about the laughter of a happy child, and about the connection you will have with every single person you treat and help. You understand them, make them know they’re not alone, and that you’re not there to cause harm, you’re there to help them in any and every way you can.
When I do receive my college education, I’m going to give back, to every teacher who’s helped me, to my community, and my society in general. I want to help every student wanting to achieve greatness and success.
But I especially want to give back to my family. My mom has always taught me that giving back and helping others is the biggest reward you could ever receive, and she’s right. She and my dad have given me so much, something I know I will never be able to repay, but in doing this, I know will make them happy and I know they will know that I couldn’t have done it without them.
So, what do I want to be in 5 years? I want to be my mothers’ kindness, my fathers’ courage, my sister’s smile, and my brother's laughter. I want to be my teachers’ inspiration, and my friends’ encouragement.
And I know as long as I have that, I know it’ll be enough.
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