Bright Futures Park City, a college coaching program and one of PCEF's Eight Signature Initiatives, is preparing to mark a massive milestone - seven students in its first-ever cohort will graduate college this spring (May 2023)!
In this Virtual Visit, three motivated first-generation students discuss how Bright Futures has changed their lives. BF makes a long-term commitment to each student - and walks alongside them as they prepare for, succeed in, and graduate college. That's a minimum of seven years!
Featured in this Virtual Visit:
- Lindsay Carreto → A 3rd year psych major who is graduating early from USU. She is part of the USU Ambassador program.
- Jessica Hinojos → A 1st year student - and Range Scholar! - at the University of Utah studying political science.
- Jose Hernandez → A PCHS senior who found his place in science during his internship with Huntsman Cancer Institute over the summer.
- Joana Acevedo → Bright Futures College Program Manager
- Jen O'Brien → Bright Futures Program Director
Bright Futures Virtual Visit → How BF Changes Lives!
Bright Futures Park City launched in 2016, after a three-year research period conducted by PCEF.
Right now*, there are 126 Park City students enrolled, 52 of whom are in college. By fall of 2023, we expect 150+ high school and college students to be enrolled in Bright Futures, working their way to and through college.
Similar programs have an 86% progression rate...
- Bright Futures college students have collectively achieved a 90% progression rate!
- Nationally, only 11% of first-generation students battling income barriers graduate with a bachelor's degree by age 24...
- And only ~63% of all students across the country graduate from college within five years.
*September 2022
It takes a lot of support to get our students to ~and through~ college!
If you would like to learn more about Bright Futures, or help our motivated, hard-working students by making a contribution, we invite you to click this direct link.