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Huge List of Accomplishments for Dream Big & LIA 2023 PCHS Grads

First-generation students from the PCHS Dream Big and Latinos In Action programs will graduate from PCHS this spring. 24 of these young men and women will move on to form the largest Bright Futures college cohort ever.

These first-generation students were in 9th grade when COVID hit, which means they persevered through some of the most challenging times in memory to earn their high school diplomas. 

Now, they are college-ready, thanks to PCHS programs Dream Big and Latinos in Action (LIA) - critical partners with Bright Futures. Thanks to this work and support in high school, every single BF PCHS Class of 2023 grad has plans to participate in post-secondary education, whether it’s college or career training.

Please allow us to brag a bit more about this terrific group:

  • Three BF ‘23 students earned full-ride college scholarships. 
  • The Class of ‘23 was awarded more than $500,000 (!) in scholarships.
  • Two students earned Utah Sterling Scholars recognition.
  • Nine students participated in PCHS’ Latinos In Action (LIA).
  • 23 BF ‘23 students completed the PCHS Dream Big program.

Full-ride scholarships are awarded to only about 0.1% of students across the nation
The BF ‘23 class boasts a 12.5% full-ride scholarship rate! 

Here’s a glimpse at what’s next for the soon-to-be graduates...

Allison Nava
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) 
Major/Goal → Graphic Design 
Also Part Of → Dream Big 
My Bright Futures experience → “I feel like I have support and guidance at all times – and I have the confidence to pursue college.”

Arantza Pedraza 
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → University of Utah Honors College 
Major → Psychology
Also Part Of → Dream Big & Latinos in Action (Co-President)
Something surprising about me → "I'm a lover of all things that entail creativity, such as drawing and writing."
My Bright Futures experience → “I am incredibly grateful to my mentors from Bright Futures for supporting me in every single step of the way in every way possible.”
Scholarships →  
Eccles Scholarship - Honors College
PEO Star
Sterling Scholar Runner Up
University of Utah Merit Scholarship

Belinda Cruz
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → Bonnie Joseph Beauty Academy 
Also Part Of → Dream Big 
Something that might be surprising about me → “I love to ski.”

Danny Terrero 
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → U of U Honors College 
Major → Business 
Also Part Of → Dream Big & LIA 
Something surprising about me → ”I buy & sell sneakers.” 
Scholarships →
First Ascent Scholars- David Eccles School of Business
Eccles Scholarship - Honors College

Emily Rodriguez 
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan →  Weber State University 
Goal → Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
Also Part Of → Dream Big & LIA 
Something that might be surprising about me → “I hate cake.”
Scholarship →
The Michael and Sandrina Villegas Range First Generation College Student Scholarship

Erin Rodriguez-Salas
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → SLCC
Major → General Studies/Theatre
Also Part Of → Dream Big & LIA 
My Bright Futures experience → “My most memorable experiences in BF were the fun activities, like watching a Sundance film and getting ice cream after; Summer Academy at the National Ability Center; and going to the MECHA conference. But also  - hanging out with my group of friends, sharing stories, jokes, and being in a comfortable space where we all can be in the present.”

Evan Romero 
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → SLCC
Major → Environmental Engineering
Something surprising about me → “I couldn’t speak until I was 4 ½.”
My Bright Futures experience → “Love the community and opportunities” 

Fernando Galicia
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → SLCC
Goal → Electrician 
Also Part Of → Dream Big

Itzel Garcia 
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → SLCC
Major → Undecided
Also Part Of → Dream Big 
Something surprising about me → "I enjoy reading, on average I read five books a month”

Janet Vazquez 
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → SLCC
Goal → Dental Hygienist
Also Part Of → Dream Big 
My Bright Futures experience →  “Something memorable to me is the summer leadership academy because we do some very fun activities and it allows us to spend time with our peers.”

Jasmine Rea 
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → SLCC 
Major → Graphic Design 
Also Part Of → Dream Big & LIA 
Something surprising about me → “I like to dance.”
My Bright Futures experience → “Nikki and Jen have always made me feel motivated and prepared about my future and always offered help whenever I needed. I think Bright Futures is a great resource and I would definitely recommend this program to any upcoming high school students.”

Jesus Suarez 
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → U of U Honors College
Major → Game Design 
Also Part Of → Dream Big & LIA 
Something surprising about me → “I like to draw.” 
Scholarships →  Ivory University Housing Scholarship

José Bello-Hernandez
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → U of U Honors College 
Major → Bioengineering
Also Part Of → Dream Big & LIA (Co-President)
Scholarship → Chartwell Housing Scholarship 

Julissa Vazquez 
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → Utah State University - Logan 
Major → Landscape Architecture or Interior Architecture and Design
Also Part Of → Dream Big 
Something surprising about me → “I enjoy math over any other subject.”

Luis Gonzales
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → SLCC
Goal → Electrician
Also Part Of → Dream Big 

Luis Vazquez
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → U of U\
Major → Business
Also Part Of → Dream Big 
Something surprising about me → “I love playing the guitar and listening to music.”
My Bright Futures experience →
“Bright Futures has genuinely helped me prepare for college. From building my resume to connecting me with resources. They made sure I took the right steps. Shoutout to Jen for helping me get through high school and being there when I needed help.”
Scholarship → First Ascent Scholars- David Eccles School of Business


Maria Celestino 
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → USU- Logan
Major → Graphic Design; Marketing; Photography (Undecided)
Also Part Of → Dream Big 
Something surprising about me → “I prefer math and science over English.”


Mariely Salamanca
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → USU Logan
Major → Early Childhood Development
Also Part Of → Dream Big 

Michelle Centeno
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → SLCC
Major → Undecided 

Naomi Abonce
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → USU Logan 
Major → Biomedical Engineering
Also Part Of → Dream Big 

Rodolfo Cornejo
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → U of U Honors 
Major → Environmental Studies 
Also Part Of → Dream Big & LIA 
Something that might be surprising about me → “I love ecology and environmental science.”
Scholarships →
Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)
Ivory Housing Scholarship

Sebastian Morales
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → U of U 
Major → Biology or Pre-Med (Undecided) 
Also Part Of → Dream Big & LIA  
Scholarship → First-Generation Leadership Scholarship 

Valerie Prado
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → SLCC
Major → Interior Design
Something surprising about me → “I was born in Costa Rica!”


Yaz Quintana
Post-PCHS Graduation Plan → U of U 
Major → Undecided 
Also Part Of → Dream Big 
Something surprising about me → “I’m on student council.”
Scholarship → University of Utah Merit Scholarship 

Congratulations to the Bright Futures PCHS Class of 2023 - we know how hard you’ve worked to earn this achievement. We are so proud to continue to walk alongside you on this journey and look forward to seeing all you accomplish in the future! 

Bright Futures' goal is to help every first-generation student achieve their
dream of college graduation.

With a college degree, these future leaders will support their families and make our community stronger. Your generosity changes lives for generations to come.

Your Impact This Year

  • Students Reached


  • Invested in Our Schools


  • % Parents Giving 2022/23


  • Programs Funded


  • Ascent Fund
    Ascent Fund
  • Beard Charitable Foundation
    Beard Charitable Foundation
  • Byrne Family Foundation Trust
    Byrne Family Foundation Trust
  • Dan & Terese Heintzelman Family Foundation
    Dan & Terese Heintzelman Family Foundation
  • Garen Family Foundation
    Garen Family Foundation
  • Lewis Family Foundation
    Lewis Family Foundation

    Lewis Family Foundation

  • Kelsi and John Mellor
    Kelsi and John Mellor
  • Montage Deer Valley
    Montage Deer Valley
  • Park City Mountain Resort
    Park City Mountain Resort
  • Park City Municipal
    Park City Municipal
  • Parker Family Charitable Fund
    Parker Family Charitable Fund
  • Tatiana and Matthew Prince
    Tatiana and Matthew Prince
  • The Efrusy Family Foundation
    The Efrusy Family Foundation
  • United Way of SLC
    United Way of SLC
  • Zions Bank
    Zions Bank
  • Anonymous
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