We are proud to share the news that Bright Futures Class of 2020 student Lindsay Carreto has been selected to receive the prestigious Ambassador Program Scholarship from Utah State University. Only 30 students out of 700 are selected for this honor and those chosen are awarded full tuition and fees for up to four years.
No surprise Lindsay was selected for this competitive award. She is an exceptional student leader at Park City High School and currently holds a 4.047 weighted GPA! Lindsay is the President of Latinos in Action and was a Bright Futures crew leader in her sophomore and junior year. Lindsay was also part of the Dream Big program which she credits for helping her manage AP level courses at the high school.
Always interested in helping others, Linsday joined Health Occupations Students of America and volunteers up to 40 hours each month mentoring students and helping out at the Park City Hospital. Added to those volunteer hours, Lindsay gained valuable work experience at PC TOTS daycare, reading to students and assisting teachers and aides.
Once at USU, Lindsay plans to pursue a major in Psychology. She hopes to continue her involvement in LIA and will also join “Aggies First,” a program for first-generation students on campus.
When not leading or studying you can find Lindsay snowboarding with SOS or laughing with friends. She is such an inspiring student leader and we are excited to continue to support her at USU! Congratulations Lindsay!