The #1 Influence on Student Success is the Classroom Teacher
Our mission is to support educator-powered initiatives inspiring students to reach their academic and lifelong potential. We are here to serve educators in numerous ways, so you may focus on their students:
Classroom Grants: Classroom Grants are awarded to teachers to bring innovative ideas, concepts, or practices to life, or expand past successful ideas in the classroom or school. Money is allocated to programs that focus on creativity and innovation, the whole child, and academic success. Classroom Grants requests are awarded in the spring for the following school year, and have a maximum of $45,000 per grant.
Express Grants: Express Grants are awarded to teachers for last minute needs and may be requested for up to $1,000. As the name implies, Express Grants have a very short turn-around and exist to fill immediate classroom needs.
Educator Insider: The PCEF Educator Insider Newsletter is our way of sharing valuable information specifically for you – PCSD's excellent educators – a few times each year.
The Excellent Educator Program, funded by the Louis and Doilney families.
Ideas for Impact Educator Summit and Social: Teachers from all PCSD schools gather to engage in discussions and demonstrations, share ideas, network, and socialize. Held every other year.

Inaugural Ideas for Impact Event: A Smashing Success!

Dozens of teachers joined colleagues in an evening of inspiration, ways to bring joy & more impact to teaching, socializing, and hugs.
Ideas For Impact is an educator-powered program of PCEF’s Innovation Lab (one of PCEF’s eight Signature Initiatives).
It was created by and for Park City School District educators.
★ Newpark Resort donated the space to PCEF for this event - THANK YOU, Newpark! ★