More than 2,000 Park City students have gone through the preschool program since it started in 2010!
→ $125,000 Invested into PCSD Preschool Each Year
Supporting PCEF means:
► High-quality early childhood education at PCSD.
► It is affordable & accessible.
► Preschool can expand to meet demand...
► Capacity increases from 156 to more than 288 next year!
► PCEF4Kids.org
On November 11th, 15 years apart, both of Flor Loya’s daughters were born. Jessica turned 19 this year. Her little sister, Ivanka, turned 4.
The similarities don’t stop there. Jessica, a PCEF Bright Futures student and PCHS 2024 graduate, was a preschool student at McPolin Elementary School – which is where Ivanka goes to school!
“Seeing her at my preschool is funny,” said Jessica. “A full-circle moment.”
“Ivanka loves school – she even likes getting ready,” Flor said. “Even if she is sleepy – she is excited to go to school.”
Ivanka weighed in to say she loves her new amigos/friends, is learning letters, and, more importantly, the names of her favorite colors, which are “rosa and azul!”
Flor has lived in Park City for 25 years, and, of the many things she loves about our community, opportunities for students top the list. PCEF funding provides programming that raises our district to the highest level – which many in our town have come to expect.
Things like art (EVA), Afterschool, Bright Futures, and Preschool are programs that make PCSD stand out – even compared to other districts in Utah.
PCEF supporters provided the seed funding for Preschool back in 2010. These days, PCEF donors provide more than $125,000 annually to ensure PCSD can provide affordable, high-quality preschool for 3- and 4-year-olds.
NEW next year, families have the option for 3-year-olds to attend preschool full-time, five days a week – with access to before- and after-school care, too!
“My nieces and nephews are in their 20s,” Flor said. “And things are harder. There are no scholarships – they pay for EVERYTHING. They don’t have programs like PCEF provides, nothing like Preschool or Bright Futures.”
Jessica is a PCEF Bright Futures (BF) student in her first year of college. BF walks alongside first-generation students and helps equip them with college knowledge as they work to get to and through post-secondary education.
“It’s amazing – I don’t know how to explain it,” Flor said. “If it wasn’t for those programs, it wouldn’t be possible for Jessica to go to college.”
Jessica is now in her second semester at The University of Utah – and has earned so many scholarships her college education will be fully funded!
Jessica’s journey, like Ivanka’s, started with Preschool. Thanks to the PCSD Pre-K expansion, the number of seats for students will increase from 156 to more than 288.
There is exponential value for our community when early childhood education is prioritized. More parents can afford to work or grow economically, families feel supported by and engaged with each other and our town, and students experience better long-term health outcomes. Not only that, every preschool dollar returned to society yields a $13 return in economic benefits because it limits the need for expensive interventions in the early elementary years.
Flor feels so strongly about the opportunities PCEF helps provide that she wants to do something to create positive change.
“I was telling Jessica – if we reach a certain point, we want to start a scholarship for students.”
“I hope I do make it to the point where I can give back,” Jessica agreed. “Family and community – older siblings help the younger ones. The community helps the students. I want to continue the cycle – because, starting with Preschool and now with Bright Futures, that cycle helped me.”