On May 27th, Park City Municipal passed a resolution recognizing the Park City School District, teachers and students. PCEF provided a statement of support from our Executive Director, Abby McNulty.
"The COVID-19 pandemic brought into sharp focus just how important school is to student, family, and community success. Park City Schools are a safe and nurturing place for all kids. They support a child's academic growth, create social connections, build community engagement, and nurture emotional wellness. In a time when most schools across the country were closed to in-person learning, our schools stayed open. They welcomed kids every single day. And they did it through careful practice, mitigation, study, diligence, and an unyielding commitment to our kids, families, and community. With great enthusiasm and appreciation, we thank every person of the Park City School District for their efforts in keeping school doors open and kids engaged, in the most challenging of years. We appreciate you and honor you!” - Abby McNulty, PCEF Executive Director
Here is the link to the full Staff Report
Here is the link to the Resolution